Stirling Observer

Charlotte’s delight at recognitio­n from the Queen


Balfron woman Charlotte Hunt has been recognised for her work with Scotland’s Gardens Scheme over the decades.

Charlotte (74), the honorary vice president of Scotland’s Gardens Scheme, first got involved as a girl as her mother helped the organisati­on.

She became an area organiser in Stirlingsh­ire and went on to become SGS chairman for five years from 2002.

She said of her OBE:“I’M very honoured and delighted. I’m very pleased not just for myself but for Scotland’s Gardens Scheme, which is such a wonderful charity.”

“Officially I have been involved with SGS since 1978, but unofficial­ly since I was a child.

“My mother was involved with SGS and I would help her out with putting together posters publicisii­ng gardens to visit.

“It has been a lifetime interest.

“And I think this honour is particular­ly special since it is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It’s wonderful.”

Charlotte’s citation states that over the past 40 years she has shown‘a selfless, unstinting commitment, drive, passion and loyalty towards Scotland’s Garden Scheme (SGS)’.

During her tenure the charity has grown significan­tly and raises around £500,000 annually.

An area organiser, Charlotte has overseen the opening of new garden openings in Stirling district and contribute­d to sustaining the opening of 500 gardens across Scotland.

She has enthused and encouraged a core team of 175 volunteers involved in setting up garden openings.

Charlotte stepped down as a trustee in 2020, but accepted the invitation to remain involved as honorary vice president.

 ?? ?? Recognitio­n Charlotte Hunt
Recognitio­n Charlotte Hunt

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