Stockport Express

Greenbank pupils go on dino adventure


A SELF-TAUGHT dinosaur expert has been sharing his knowledge with the youngsters at Greenbank Preparator­y School.

Cambridge University lecturer Jamie Jordan breathed life into fossils from the Jurassic age to teach the pre-schoolers about life with the dinosaurs.

Jamie developed a love for the animals when he discovered a fossilised footprint of a dinosaur bird on a beach in Skegness as a child.

He said: “I was hooked at that moment.

“We had the fossil authentica­ted by the Natural History Museum and since then I have dedicated my life to finding out more about what lies beneath our feet.

“I tell the children that if you stretch your arms out from side to side that represents the length of time that there has been life on Earth.

“The gap from your shoulder to your elbow is how long there were dinosaurs and the thickness of their little fingernail represents human existence.

“They love the names, the different shapes and sizes and the roars and different noises dinosaurs make, and though films like Jurassic Park might have obscured scientific fact, they certainly captured the imaginatio­n of the young mind.”

Laura Bradbury, head of early years, added: “Jamie had the children hanging on his every word as they discovered more and more incredible facts about dinosaurs and how animals just like the plastic models that most have in their toy boxes, roamed the earth 70 million years ago.”

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