Stockport Express

Knife attack hero is given bravery award


AHEROIC man who rescued a young woman and fought off her armed attacker has been rewarded for his bravery.

Joe Smalley, of Hazel Grove, had been about to go to bed when he heard screaming from outside his window and then saw a woman being dragged down a nearby alley.

He grabbed his shoes and a torch and searched the area, finding the victim knelt on the ground.

But her attacker charged at him from behind and attempted to slash him with a knife.

Joe blocked the blow and was left with a cut hand but managed to land a blow of his own, knocking the attacker to the floor and forcing him to run off.

This week his courage was rewarded when police gave him the Chief Constable Commendati­on.

Joe said: “It was nothing but instinct that said I had to go out and check that everything was alright.

“My dad would have done the same and that’s the way I was brought up, to look out for each other.

“I can’t imagine the trauma that the young lady went through, but I am aware that things could have been a lot worse for the both of us.”

The incident happened on October 31 last year, but Joe had realised the screams he heard were not just Halloween highjinks.

The victim, a teenager, had been walking home from Hazel Grove train station when she was grabbed from behind and had the knife held to her throat. After the attack Joe called 999 and took the teenager back to his home, which he shares with his partner.

He said: “I’m very humble about receiving the award. At the time I don’t think I did anything out of the ordinary.

“It wasn’t until the ceremony itself when a number of police officers approached me and said that I’d done a good thing, that it really hit me.

“I just hope someone would help me or my partner if either of us were in a dangerous situation.”

Detective Chief Constable Ian Pilling said “Without hesitation or regard to his own safety Joe rushed to the aid of a young woman who was being attacked.

“Although the distressin­g events of that night will no doubt stay with the young lady for the rest of her life, Joe’s selfless actions stopped a traumatic experience from potentiall­y becoming fatal. Joe should be immensely proud of what he did.”

 ??  ?? ●●Joe Smalley receives his award from DCC Ian Pilling
●●Joe Smalley receives his award from DCC Ian Pilling

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