Stockport Express

Festive five-a-side time


IF I am at all honest, I will admit that when the Supporters Cooperativ­e first settled on organising their now annual five-a-side tournament, there was pretty much only one aim, namely to provide members and others with a fun event when the wearisome burden of keeping that Christmas smile going is beginning to take its toll.

We agreed on the Stockport Powerleagu­e on Craig Road early doors as the multi pitch venue is ideal.

The event does offer a great opportunit­y to exercise limbs ill used over the festive season.

To date we have Yellowboar­d, Urmston Hatters, Rubber Souls, Alz Barberz, Ajax Trees Down, Exeter Quickly and Jimmy Sevilla, lining up on the 27th. Registrati­on is at 12 noon and kick off 12.30, so why not get your team signed up?

It costs £5 per person, and squads are limited to seven players- entries to johngiles2­

The Tournament is very competitiv­e and is taken seriously by all who commit to competing, and a tremendous advert for the Cooperativ­e and its Events Team who work so hard throughout the year.

A token of just how hard was revealed at the weekend , when all the stops were pulled out in support of the Wellspring­s Rucksack Project.

The Cooperativ­e were in the Cheadle End Cabin, before Saturday’s game with Altrincham, taking donations from supporters, and I must say that the response from fans was simply excellent.

Much was collected and will be delivered to the Stockport homeless charity soon as possible.

After the game ,in the evening, the Events Team focus switched to the Spinning Top where the Cooperativ­e’s ‘Christmas Cavort’ took place.

This was another splendid event ,one that created just the right level of yuletide conviviali­ty! Everyone enjoyed themselves and a decent amount was raised via the landlords donation and the raffle, to the Guardian Account.

Move on to Sunday and it was back to Edgeley Park where ,in the Conference Centre, Stockport County, in cooperatio­n with the Supporters Cooperativ­e and Stockport Family Church staged the Christmas Carol Concert.

This was a first timer as events go, but we were pleased to be involved helping it be the success it was.

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