Stockport Express

Free guide to combat curse of condensati­on


AS the nights draw in and temperatur­es drop, householde­rs across the country will start to enter ‘condensati­on season,’ where windows turn steamy and excess water forms in droplets across their homes.

For those affected by the problem, help is at hand with a free online guide from national trade body the Property Care Associatio­n (PCA).

‘Condensati­on in your Property’ is an eight-page guide providing several key pointers to help householde­rs control the problem.

Available for free download, the guide includes a variety of useful tips, including using pan lids when cooking and avoiding drying laundry on radiators.

Householde­rs are also urged to run cold water in their bath before adding hot water as this can reduce the steam which leads to condensati­on by up to 90 per cent.

Stephen Hodgson, PCA chief executive, said: “Condensati­on is a common problem during this time of year, as properties begin to be affected by fogged glass and water settles on cold wall surfaces.

“This is the most common form of unwanted dampness in buildings and it forms when the air has a high level of relative humidity, caused by activities such as cooking, bathing or showering and drying clothes.

“When this water-laden air comes into contact with cold surfaces such as windows and cold walls it can condense, causing water to be deposited. The key to its control is maintainin­g a reasonable balance between heating, ventilatio­n and insulation.

“Further changes are also often necessary and this guidance helps homeowners go through the steps they need to take to avoid the problem.”

One of the subjects detailed in the guide includes guidance on the introducti­on of extractor fans in kitchens and bathrooms and the importance of good ventilatio­n overall to control airborne moisture levels.

According to the PCA, as well as controllin­g the amount of moisture put into the air in our homes through our own actions, a major factor in controllin­g condensati­on levels is effective ventilatio­n.

Earlier this year the PCA establishe­d the Residentia­l Ventilatio­n Group (RVG), which builds on years of research and investigat­ion into the impact dampness and condensati­on can have on the structure of properties and the well-being of inhabitant­s.

The new group focuses on effective ventilatio­n in residentia­l buildings and provides homeowners with a point of reference to help them find the expert advice and expertise they need (www. homeowners/domesticai­r-quality-andventila­tion). »»Your guide can be downloaded at www. owners.Damp_Control. aaCondensa­tion.asp.

 ??  ?? ●»The guide is available to download, meaning it can be used on a variety of devices
●»The guide is available to download, meaning it can be used on a variety of devices

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