Stockport Express

VC war hero to be given blue plaque honour


ASTOCKPORT First World War hero who was awarded the most prestigiou­s honour for bravery is set to be honoured with a blue plaque, a century after his act of gallantry.

Joseph Lister was awarded the Victoria Cross after risking his life to save his comrades as they came under fire at Passchenda­ele Ridge in Belgium, in October 1917.

Now he is set to be remembered with a blue plaque at his former home on David Street, Reddish.

A commemorat­ive paving stone will also be installed nearby.

Joseph enlisted in the Lancashire Fusiliers and was posted to the 1st Battalion. In October 1917, the Battalion was in Belgium preparing to take part in the Third Battle of Ypres, what would become known as Passchenda­ele. Just 30 years old at the time, Joseph secured the surrender of 100 soldiers, saving the lives of his fellow Fusilliers.

After returning home, Joseph and his wife Harriet lived in Reddish, where Joseph became a member of Houldswort­h Working Mens Club and attended St Elisabeth’s Church.

He worked at Lowes Chemicals before becoming a crossing patrol guard.

He died in 1963 and was buried at Willow Grove Cemetery.

Since 2014, the Friends of Stockport Cemeteries have commemorat­ed the centenary of the First World War and all those who fell by focusing on the story of a particular soldier and battle. This year, Joseph will be honoured, as will the battle of Passchenda­ele.

The plaque and stone came about thanks to the work of the Friends, who along with St Mary’s Church and local cadets, were keen to honour Joseph on the centenary of his brave act.

Sheila Robbins, from the Friends, helped to secure funding from the Heatons and Reddish area committee for the plaque and the paving stone.

She says it was important to the community to honour a local hero.

Sheila said: “Back when we first set out to assess who we had buried in the cemetery, Joseph Lister just popped out.

“Not only did he get the VC, he also lived in Reddish all his life and was an ordinary man who did something extraordin­ary.

“It’s so sad really - he didn’t lose his life, but he represents many others who did so many brave things but didn’t get any recognitio­n.”

 ??  ?? ●●Joseph Lister was awarded the Victoria Cross for saving comrades during the Battle of Passchenda­ele in October 1917
●●Joseph Lister was awarded the Victoria Cross for saving comrades during the Battle of Passchenda­ele in October 1917

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