Stockport Express

If you were in the class of 1977 then this one’s for you


A GROUP of us are arranging a 40th school reunion for anyone that left Brinningto­n Secondary School on May 27, 1977.

The event is to take place on Saturday, May 27, starting at 7.30pm and is to be held at Brinningto­n Labour Club.

However, although it is the 40th reunion for 1977, we have decided to also invite anyone that left school in the year below 76 and year above 1978.

We are hoping to hold a raffle so anybody that has any raffle prizes or knows a company that would be willing to donate raffle prizes would be a great help. The money raised will be going to a local charity (yet to be decided).

Also we would appreciate anyone that may have copies of any school photos so we could remember what it was like at school and also for anyone that is no longer with us anymore. Any help, advice or ideas would be extremely appreciate­d.

If you wish to contact myself, Karen Pimlott, David Felstead or Kevin Longson then please do so either through Facebook or via the What’s On In Brinningto­n Site.

We hope that people will attend this as we think it will be a good night and you can meet up with people that you have not seen in a long time. Steph Symmonds


COUNCILS are now banning the word ‘man’ in almost everything, chairman must now be called chairperso­n for example.

Let’s go all the way with this stupidity and change things like Manchester to Personches­ter and Isle of Mann to Isle of Person.

Even places like Whitehaven and Blackpool could now be deemed racist. Sara Moor Shaw Heath


I WENT into Morrisons at Cheadle Heath today. Every one of the self-service checkouts were either out of order or breaking down as people were using them.

Customers were getting stressed and angry, staff were stressed and agitated and queues were building up.

Without any doubt, technology is the biggest cause of ill health today. Jim Mcguinn Stockport

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