Stockport Express

Call for police to act over park hunters ALEX SCAPENS

- @AlexScapen­sMEN

MORE action from police is being demanded to deal with guns and dogs brought into Reddish Vale Country Park to kill rabbits.

The hunting of rabbits has been a long-standing problem that has been repeatedly reported - with some saying it has been going on for up to three years.

Summer weather has seen an increase in hunting in the last month with the latest incident happening last Wednesday night.

The woman who reported it, who wishes to remain anonymous, says she has phoned police around 40 times in similar circumstan­ces in the last six months alone.

She said: “I am going round and round in circles, we need more stringent action. I walk my dog there and with the hot weather it is now every night.

“There’s up to nine dogs at a time and it’s devastatin­g to see. But it’s not something the police want to do anything about.

“It is paramount that wildlife is protected, we have to take ownership and support the police. I would urge people to keep their eyes and ears open and report whatever they see.”

The matter has also been reported to the council.

It is believed to be several young men who are responsibl­e and police have spoken with some of them but no action beyond a caution has been taken.

Councillor Sheila Bailey, executive member for communitie­s, said: “There are people who have been taking guns and dogs into the park and been hunting rabbits.

“It has been an issue for a long time and also a safety concern as the park is used by families.

“A country park is not there to provide sport for people who want to kill.

“I know the police are stretched but there needs to be a strong deterrent, something stronger than being spoken to.

“There should be greater consequenc­es than there seems to be at the moment.”

A police spokesman confirmed an instance of animal cruelty was reported at Reddish Vale on Thursday involving a man in a white van with two lurchers.

And that previously there had been reports of people taking guns into the park.

He added: “We are compiling these incidents and there is a designated wildlife officer who looks at these and will be progressin­g several lines of enquiry.

“It is about building a case and then looking at taking action.

“You have to be able to improve intent.

“The neighbourh­ood team is aware of the issue and have added the area to its patrol plan.”

 ??  ?? ●●Reddish Vale David Quinney
●●Reddish Vale David Quinney

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