Stockport Express

Ring bow for Hulme Hall star William


FOURTEEN year old William Connolly Rogers entertaine­d 600 spectators at the weekend in his first amateur boxing bout.

The Hulme Hall pupil entertaine­d crowds at The Point Lancashire Cricket Club on Saturday going three rounds in a demonstrat­ion of Boxing Skills in what was his first Amateur Boxing match.

Said William, “It was quite a daunting experience having to walk out in front of all those people and then to get in the ring and demonstrat­e my skills.”

He continued: “The first round enabled the referee to assess whether I was able to defend myself and then the final two allowed us to have a proper boxing fight.”

The Year 10 pupil has been boxing since he was 11 but it is only in the last twelve months that he has committed to the sport. He now trains three times a week at Moss Side Boxing Club which usually involves high intensity circuit training, improving techniques and sparring with fellow boxers.

William also attends RAF boxing weekends which involve a 12km run at 6am followed by seven hours of boxing training!

It is an intense regime but one that Interim Headteache­r, Philip Bradford, believes provides him with a level of discipline that helps in his schooling and will be beneficial in later life. It also contribute­s towards his GCSE PE Qualificat­ion.

Said Mr Bradford, “William’s commitment and dedication to the sport makes him a fabulous role model for other pupils. We are delighted to be able to acknowledg­e another Gifted and Talented pupil in the school and look forward to watching him progress.”

 ?? ?? ●●William Connolly Rogers in action, left
●●William Connolly Rogers in action, left
 ?? ?? ●●William Connolly Rogers
●●William Connolly Rogers

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