Stockport Express

Progressio­n, regardless of League decision


FOR the last few weeks this column has been considerin­g what direction the National League takes us following the massive impact of COVID 19, on the game and nation.

What can County fans reasonably look forward to when eventually the restrictio­ns are lifted, and life begins to return to something approachin­g normality?

For me, irrespecti­ve of how we resolve the 2019/20 conundrum, County’s prospects for the future look brighter than most.

For starters, the newly installed regime of Mark Stott and his team have taken the helm and have quietly gone about the business of reviving a Club that has laid dormant for too long.

There was an obvious need to restore confidence, and the new owners plans, as outlined to the Supporters Cooperativ­e, have made a positive start in this respect.

It is a pleasant change to see message boards and social media – normally the source of much gloom and despondenc­y – awash with positivity based on those portions of said plans which have reached the public domain.

Principled actions like the donation to Stockport NHS have only served to reinforce a feelgood factor that refuses to be dimmed by the current contagion.

Having stability off the field is crucial to success, and you can see that I think we have that currently, but without the team doing the biz also we are no further forward, and in this regard we are blessed to have one of English football’s top managers in Jim Gannon, and as far as confidence building is concerned, Jim has no equals.

Jim has been brilliantl­y successful for County multiple times, last season’s epic championsh­ip title win, our first in half a century, consolidat­ing his position as a true County hero.

There’s more to come, and with our support it will be sooner rather than later!

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