Stockport Express

EUROS 2020

- Jodie Clayton

It wasn’t our year to bring football home

But my as a team how they have grown!

They brought this country back together

Gave us memories to last forever,

55 years since we last got to this stage

Gave us something to enjoy and to engage,

Sweet Caroline sang at the top of our voices

Even the team joins in and rejoices,

Our players our young with the world at their feet

They have been graceful even in defeat,

It may not have ended the way we had hoped

But boy what passion and pride it evoked,

Those players that stepped up to the spot

Willing to give it their all with that shot,

That takes great courage, guts and grit

Resilience too shows us you never quit,

To the three young lads keep your heads up high

At the racists the rest of the country does sigh,

It doesn’t matter your colour or your race

Embrace your heritage and do it with grace,

Ignore the haters they don’t deserve your time

Let them continue to watch you succeed and to climb,

And remember it’s them with the problem, not you

And have any of them done what you do?

To stand in that shirt wear our colours with pride

Enjoying the journey enjoying the ride

The team spirit shone through with all you achieved

In each of you players we all believed

To everyone involved we all did rate

The players the coaches and Gareth Southgate

To all that wore three lions on their shirt

We know you are gutted we know that loss hurt

But as a nation we couldn’t be prouder

We will be back and we will sing louder!!

The fans will still be here we know you’ll be back

And then it will be our name on the World Cup plaque!!

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