Stockport Express

Kickstarti­ng careers



STARTING out in your career is never easy and young people have had a particular­ly tough time in the pandemic – but the government’s Plan for Jobs is creating fresh opportunit­ies for employees as businesses begin to thrive again.

Schemes such as Kickstart, Apprentice­ships (which are also open to older age groups), Traineeshi­ps and T Levels are giving firms incentives to help new recruits develop skills and experience. Businesses should always carefully check their eligibilit­y for each of the schemes before applying.

In the Kickstart Scheme, which aims to create new jobs for 16- to 24-year-olds, businesses receive a £1,500 grant for each person they take on, to help provide employabil­ity support. Kickstart funds a new recruit’s salary and national insurance contributi­ons for six months – so it’s a win-win for employers and employees, as business owners are discoverin­g.

The Kickstart Scheme has given our small company the chance to grow

Among them is Paola Dyboski-Bryant, founder of Dr Zigs Extraordin­ary Bubbles, which makes eco-friendly children’s bubble mixes and accesories in Bangor, North Wales. “It’s been challengin­g to graduate in a pandemic with that anxiety and not knowing if there were jobs,” she says. “Young people have had such a rollercoas­ter ride.”

Paola has taken on six Kickstarte­rs this year, and they are earning as they learn new skills.

“We have to make sure we deliver and give our Kickstarte­rs the best training they can get,” explains Paola.

“We’re really nurturing them. I’ve always been very keen to support youngsters, so they’ve had really good training and good management, but even so I’ve been surprised by how fantastic they have been. They’re such a lovely bunch.

“Investing in people always has its rewards. The Kickstart Scheme has given us, as a small company, the opportunit­y to grow and recruits the chance to do something they wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise.”

Kickstart recruit Tecwyn Emrys Jones, 21, agrees. “What made me apply for Dr Zigs was the job descriptio­n. It had a varied amount of tasks on it and I’m a jack-of-all trades type of person so it really suited me,” says Tecwyn (left). “I did my GCSEs and some of my AS levels and was ready for work.

“At the moment I’m packing and bottling on the manufactur­ing side, and the people here are nice. And it’s pretty decent to be earning money.

“I would say that if you see a Kickstart role then go for it – it’s really good for experience and for getting into the world of work.”

“I’m now more responsibl­e” Alisha Merali, 18, from Birmingham, has recently completed her business apprentice­ship at a care company

“Originally, I registered for college, but although I was getting good grades, I wasn’t sure about the subject I’d chosen, and I wasn’t happy. I realised that you don’t have to follow the traditiona­l route through school, college, then uni, to be successful.

“I found my apprentice ship online, and thought it would provide me with the chance to discover my capabiliti­es, and knew it would give me a catered way of learning. I opted for a business apprentice­ship, as it would be fairly broad. the pandemic hit, and I was going to be furloughed. I didn’t want to do the apprentice­ship from home, so I looked for a role that revolved around care instead. I came across IHI Care Services, which deploys carers to the homes of clients who don’t want to move into a residentia­l care home. “In my role as a business administra­tor at IHI, I mainly do office work, dealing with things such as payroll, training and recruitmen­t, and I’ve also helped to create new procedures in the company. I think I’ve gained the same level of profession­alism as people much older than me. “The apprentice­ship has given me a good level of knowledge when it comes to the workplace, and helped me to gain a level of confidence I wouldn’t have had by following the usual route. It’s made me a more responsibl­e person, too.”

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