Stockport Express

Gull riddle is all at sea


ONE of my regular readers and neighbour, Dom, from Mossley Alto, thinks that sometimes I talk in riddles, so I have cooked up three especially for the man from our recent reccy to the wilds of Filey.

Yes Filey, on the East Coast of Yorkshire; I have never been before and was intent on treating my new bride Joanie to a serving of whelks in her very own tray.

Who said romance is dead?

Not me, and our ‘mini-moon’ was brilliant and, yes, I know I should be so lucky.

Firstly, where was John Constable when I needed him, secondly, when is a pigeon not a pigeon and thirdly – and this is my most cunning – when is a gull not a seagull?

Okay the first reference to one of England’s foremost landscape artists came about when I photograph­ed a timeless scene of hay gathering in the fields near the 11th century St Oswald’s Church, which is situated above the cliffs on what might be known as Filey Alto, as the town is also on two levels.

Joanie and I love an old church and graveyard, and this was no exception and much better than a sun-lounger in our view.

Constable’s most famous painting was, of course, the Hay Wain.

The second conundrum, with regard to pigeons, needs a little more explanatio­n.

You see on the head land, the Brigg, on the north end of Filey’s five-mile beach you can observe what appears to be the feral pigeons one sees in every town across the UK but, perish the thought, some of these are true-blood rock doves.

The rock dove is the wild ancestor of domestic pigeons the world over, domesticat­ed originally to provide food.

Feral pigeons come in all shades, some bluer, others blacker - some are pale grey with darker chequered markings, others an unusual shade of dull brick-red or cinnamon-brown and confusingl­y some look exactly like wild rock doves.

Bird watching is easy: no one ever said.

And just to prove the latter, the third puzzle is my favourite; so let me get this out on the table at the start, there is no such thing as a ‘seagull.’

Oh yes, there are gulls that live by the sea, but let that be the end of it.

You see the different species all have different names and worldwide there are 50 different types of gull in the world.

In Britain we have five species of commonly occurring breeding gulls, herring, black headed, lesser black backed, greater black backed (massive, the largest gull in the world) and common.

Some include the kittiwake but I’m trying to make things simple.

We also have a small, but growing, breeding population of Mediterran­ean gulls and a handful of confirmed or suspected breeding attempts from yellowlegg­ed gulls and little gulls.

There are also two other species that are winter visitors.

To get to our five, even these few can be notoriousl­y difficult to identify and, just when you think you have it, they moult, change appearance completely and the young look nothing like the adults.

Take the very common Black Headed Gull; there’s a huge colony on the banks of Woodhead Reservoir and there’s no ‘sea’ there.

They don’t have black heads, more a dark brown colour and then in winter they revert to a white head with one dark spot remaining. Cunning.

The young of all gulls, meanwhile, swan about, (no pun intended) in a varying degree of dirty brown until they are a year old or so.

Actually the swan analogy was spot on, because readers will have probably noticed that cygnets look the same before maturing.

Remember the Ugly Duckling story?

My young herring gull was very accommodat­ing as the adults scooted off and at first I thought may be injured, but no, the bird let me rattle off 40 or so shots on my mobile before joining the others playing King Canute on the foreshore.

Herring gulls are the much maligned pasty, chips and ice-cream bandits and these days most seaside towns will exhort visitors not to feed the gulls.

Aggh, there they go again, they are not gulls if you don’t mind.

Not to confuse you but, the five regular gulls in the UK do not include terns, fulmars, gannets and some other sea-birds, such as shags and cormorants.

Sad to say that I found one of the ‘other,’ a razorbill, dead on the shore on Filey Beach, along with two guillemots and have since discovered that, over the summer months, hundreds of these birds, including puffins and gannet, have been found and mostly with an empty stomach. A story for another day. Hopefully Dom is satisfied with my trio of riddles; I think it is time for a riddle contest with some interestin­g prizes.

Watch this space.

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 ?? Sean Wood ?? ●●Left: young herring gull, right: Filey, Yorkshire
Sean Wood ●●Left: young herring gull, right: Filey, Yorkshire

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