Stockport Express

Anna’s over the moon after £2k win on lottery


REDDISH-BASED client accountant, Anna MacDonald, 39, scooped £2,000 on the St Ann’s Lottery.

Completely unaware she had won, Anna’s winners’ cheque had been sent to her old address.

Overjoyed with her windfall, she said: “I recently moved house, so the cheque had gone to my old address.

“I was on cloud nine when I got the phone call to tell me I had won and took my work colleagues out for a celebrator­y post work drink.

“I treated my family to a slap-up meal at the weekend, bought a new sofa and shared some of my winnings with my sister.”

Anna’s father Jim was treated at St Ann’s Hospice back in 2015 and 2016 and also attended regular day care visits at the hospice, which allowed her mum, Helen who was Jim’s sole carer some much-needed respite.

Looking back on that period, she said: “Those visits brought a bit of normality to what was going on.

“It allowed my mum a bit of time to herself to recharge her batteries and gave my dad the opportunit­y to talk to other people in the same boat as him, which I know he took solace in.”

Anna admits the hospice will always hold a special place in her heart.

She said: “I will be forever grateful for what St Ann’s Hospice did for us in our time of need.

“They are a safe haven for people going through an extremely challengin­g time in their lives.

“Whether it was a shoulder to cry on, a joke to lighten the mood or some gentle words of support, everyone at the hospice has such big hearts, welcoming smiles and always made time for us.”

St Ann’s lottery manager Trudi Ogden, explained: “We’re so pleased that Anna is so happy with her win.

“The St Ann’s Local Lottery is one of the easiest ways people can show their support for our patients, with the added bonus that they might win a very special prize.

“Supporters can simply sign up online or pop into one of the hospice’s 10 shops around Greater Manchester to buy their weekly £2 ticket.

“It really is an easy way to support the hospice, and with lots of prizes to be won, there’s even more chance of winning.”

The St Ann’s Local Lottery has generated over £25 million for the hospice since 1994 and created more than 44,000 winners in the process.

The weekly lottery includes a first prize of £2,000 plus a rollover prize, four prizes of £50 each and 30 prizes of £10.

The rollover prize increases by £1,000 for every week the prize is not won, up to a maximum of £10,000. Tickets cost just £2. To play the St Ann’s Hospice lottery visit:

 ?? ?? ●●Anna and her father Jim in February 2015
●●Anna and her father Jim in February 2015

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