Stockport Express



IT’S a couple of weeks now since I included in this column news about a couple of Norwegian ladies who will be watching their first County game on 3 February when the blues take on Harrogate Town at Edgeley Park.

This good news story got me thinking of just how widespread and inclusive County’s fan base is throughout the world.

Every week we hear of groups and individual­s from all over the globe visiting the UK to take in a game at our brilliant stadium.

We have known for some years that County boasts a large and conspicuou­sly loyal diaspora (a Worldwide Blue Army if you like) it is only of recent years that we have become aware of their existence as their increasing­ly frequent visits to these shores prompted a proliferat­ion of positive postings on social media.

All the above does not just serve to increase the County profile it gives the whole fan base a fantastic boost to see the clubs outreach get wider and wider.

This is happening worldwide, but if I had to highlight just one country in which this growth in interest in County has burgeoned most, I would point to Japan.

Akito Aoki has been a County supporter for 10 years (favourite English saying, according to his Twitter page, is ‘Jimmy Gannon’s Blue & White Army’) and since cementing his links with County fans and the club when he visited Stockport just a few years ago.

Akito has played a pivotal roll in building County’s profile in Japan via the establishm­ent of the fast growing’ Tokeo Hatters’ and the Supporters Cooperativ­e is proud to have him as a member!

That said, wherever they reside in this world we are fortunate and proud to have so many we can call our own!

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