Strathearn Herald

Italian victory - cyclists in pursuit of the enemy


British Empire troops continued their‘ advance’ on the Somme.

“Two days fighting north and west of Poziers resulted in the British line being pushed forward 400 to 600 yards on a frontage of about 3000 yards.

“This attack was on the German main second line system, and was made by troops from Australia, Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

“Liquid fire was used by the Germans in efforts to regain the lost ground.

“German counter-attacks were made at Pozieres with a view to retaking the ground gained by the British. All were repulsed with heavy loss to the enemy.”

On the Italian front a significan­t success was reported.

“The Italian troops entered Gorizia on Wednesday, thus capturing, after a three days offensive an important key to the Austrian front on the Isonzo.”

The Austrians, completely routed, left large quantities of war material behind them.

“Trenches and dug-outs were full of Austrian dead.

“The Italians have crossed the river, and cyclists are in pursuit of the retreating enemy.

“A semi-official statement issued in Rome describes the attack on Gorizia as one of the most important and violent onslaughts on fortified positions that the European War has yet seen.”

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