Strathearn Herald

I can’t believe nothing’s been done for a year

Crieff mum still has fears for road site

- Lynn Duke

A Crieff mum who almost died when she was pinned to a wall by a bus near the junction of the town’s Broich Road and King Street is “flabbergas­ted” at the time taken for safety bollards to be installed.

Lena Tocher, who almost died when the vehicle mounted the pavement at the accident blackspot in November 2015, said it has felt like no-one was listening to suggestion­s to make the road safer.

And, speaking to the Herald, she said of last Thursday’s road safety meeting at Strathearn Community Campus: “There was not much of a turnout considerin­g the size of Crieff but I was surprised by the amount of parents whose children go to school using this road that had not made an effort to turn up – although they are very vocal when speaking out via Facebook or on the streets.

“I don’t know if this was through the lack of advertisin­g or whatever, but I do feel that if the room had been full to the gunnels, it would have made a huge impact and put the seriousnes­s and dangers of this road forward.”

This week, flashing 20mph warning signs were activated along the stretch past the schools and bollards will soon be put in place at the junction with King Street.

Lena continued: “I am happy the bollards are being put in but I am flabbergas­ted at how long it’s taken to do such a simple thing that’s going to do such a huge thing for people’s safety.

“The road has been a danger for a long time so it’s been proven that something physically needs set in place.”

Lena suggested at the meeting that traffic lights, such as those that had been in place recently while the old gas works building was being demolished, would help – something which was supported by those at the meeting.

Everyone also agreed that the problem was not just at school dropoff and pick-up times.

Lena added: “The 20mph lights will only be activated when schools are coming out but there were no school children out at the time of my accident.”

Lena dreads the thought of anyone else being hurt on Broich Road.

Reflecting on her harrowing year while she recovered from her horrific injuries, she said: “I am lucky to be here and really can’t express how happy I am to still see my whole family, how much I love life and appreciate what I have rather than what I don’t have.

“I have good friends and family that have helped me through the hardest time in my life. I have struggled to get to were I am. I am in pain every day.

“I want to go back to work at some point but, being realistic, I don’t know if I will get to do this.

“My family have been put through so much with this and it’s had a life changing impact on them too.

“Those who witnessed my accident must find it hard as well - seeing someone being pinned against a wall and being crushed is something no one should ever have to see.

“I am not saying this for sympathy as I know there’s always someone going through something worse, but I don’t want anyone to go through what family, friends or witnesses have had to when all that needs to be done to sort this out is to make adjustment­s to this road were it’s needed.

“All this could have been prevented.”

 ??  ?? Concerns Crieff mum Lena Tocher
Concerns Crieff mum Lena Tocher

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