Strathearn Herald

Fury at plan to raze old station buildings


Residents in Comrie were angry at British Rail’s decision to dispose of the old disused station buildings by demolition instead of by sale for conversion as a dwelling.

After the slates were removed from the roof and other recoverabl­e materials salvaged, the building was bulldozed into the well between the platforms

The wooden structure was destroyed by burning, resulting in many fire alarm calls to the local police station.

A correspond­ent assured the Herald “the village is very bitter”, and asked: “Are British Rail afraid of another ‘Aunt Sally’ for hooligans as they have at Crieff?”

Questions were also being asked as to why Perth County Council’s Roads Committee had rejected a generous offer by Strowan Estate to build a new road by-passing the existing Strowan Bridge.

The 200-year-old three span stone bridge had been closed to vehicles since July 1965 because of its dangerous condition.

Meanwhile, the Herald reported: “It just means they have got their private fishing loch, in spite of all our efforts,” commented Baillie James Rae when he heard that the Scottish Secretary had refused to intervene in the Loch Turret fishing rights dispute between Crieff Council and Loch Turret Water Board.

The Water Board had imposed a restrictio­n limiting the number of rods on the loch at any one time to six only. Councillor McCartney remarked that the limit of six rods was “ridiculous”.

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