Strathearn Herald

Special paving stone for Comrie war hero

Parade to remember Victoria Cross holder

- Lynn Duke

A Strathearn war hero is to be recognised next month with a special parade and commemorat­ion service.

On Sunday, June 4, Comrie will be presented with a commemorat­ive paving stone in remembranc­e of John Manson Craig VC.

Everyone is welcome to join in the special event, which will see Comrie and Morrison’s Academy pipe bands march from Laggan Park, at 2pm, to the war memorial.

The stone will be unveiled by newly- appointed Perth and Kinross Council Provost, Dennis Melloy, Lord Lieutenant of Perth and Kinross, Brigadier Melville Jameson, and the Craig family.

John Craig grew up at Invergeldi­e Farm and later lived at Coneyhill in the village.

At the age of 21, he was a second lieutenant in the 1/4th Battalion, The Royal Scots Fusiliers, attached to 1/5th Battalion during the First World War.

On June 5, 1917, in Egypt, an advanced post having been rushed by the enemy, Second Lieutenant Craig immediatel­y organised a rescue party and after tracking the enemy back to his trenches, set his party to work removing the dead and wounded under heavy rifle and machine-gun fire.

An NCO was wounded and a medical officer who went to his aid was also wounded.

Second Lieutenant Craig went out at once to get the NCO under cover and while taking the medical officer to shelter was himself wounded.

Neverthele­ss, the rescue was effected, and he then scoped cover for the wounded, saving more lives.

The Victoria Cross is the highest award of the United Kingdom honours system and is awarded for gallantry to members of the British armed forces.

Fiona Davidson, of Comrie Heritage Group, told the Herald: “Only 1358 VCs have been awarded to date and for World War One, there were only two in Perthshire so it is a really prestigiou­s and special event for the village.

“The Craig family are very keen that this day is for the village and we’d like to see as many people as possible come along and join the parade or meet at the war memorial for the service, presentati­on of wreaths and unveiling of a commemorat­ive stone.”

And two remarkable books have been presented to the village by the Craig family.

Fiona added: “They are copies of the books that were given to John Craig at the end of the war from the village to say thank you for his bravery.

“There’s one book from the village and one from Lawers Estate and they contain signatures from everyone in the village. This is a fantastic historical reference of people who lived in the village at that time. There are a lot of recognisab­le names.

“John was a very interestin­g man. He survived the war and went on to get married having twin boys and a girl and then went on to fight in World War II in the RAF. He survived that as well and died in 1970. He is buried in Comrie Cemetery. His children say he said he was just one doing something brave but there were hundreds who did the same.”

Following the unveiling, a civic reception will be held at the White Church for invited guests representi­ng a cross section of the community.

 ??  ?? Tribute John Manson Craig VC
Tribute John Manson Craig VC

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