Strathearn Herald

Working together to give Strath a voice

New councillor­s pledge to provide joint action


Broich Road or the lack of investment in the High Street.

“And we are there to facilitate that gap between the community council and Perth and Kinross Council and to try and do as much as we can to make it happen.”

Councillor McCall, who is particular­ly interested in child welfare and education, will sit on the lifelong learning committee and the developmen­t management committee.

Councillor Donaldson also has his work cut out, having signed up to be on three of PKC’s committees: env i ronment , enterprise and infrastruc­ture; strategic policy and resources; and audit.

He is also on the committees of Innerpeffr­ay Library and Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust.

Councillor Donaldson, who was brought up in Crieff, wants to see it become a thriving, prosperous community and is keen to work in partnershi­p with other community groups such as the community councils and Crieff Community Trust.

He wanted to become a councillor because, given his background in politics and business, he feels he can do something effective for the area.

He told the Herald: “I care about Strathearn. I’m more than happy to work on an all-party, non-party basis.

“How much of the actual work is non-political I’m only going to find out through time but it might be as much as 60 per cent.

“On quite a lot of things we are not going to have difference­s and by us working together I think we will have a coherent voice for the people of Strathearn.”

He continued: “We have got to be conscious of the needs of not just Crieff but Comrie, St Fillans and the landward areas.

“I think there are a number of priorities.

“I think in Crieff it’s getting the balance right between the need to revitalise the town centre and also the southern half of Crieff and clearly the centre of gravity has moved very much down to the campus over the last 10 years.

“There is a clear need for road safety in Broich Road. There is going to be new developmen­t down there but we want to see the right infrastruc­ture being put in place.”

Other issues to be looked at, which councillor­s are also all agreed on, are Crieff ’s dilapidate­d buildings and issues along the A85 trunk road through Strathearn communitie­s.

Councillor Donaldson said: “You never can get unanimity amongst all groups in a community such as Crieff.

“Even if you can’t get unison, it’s far better that there is at least harmony.”

 ??  ?? Working together Stewart Donaldson
Working together Stewart Donaldson
 ??  ?? Learning curve Roz McCall
Learning curve Roz McCall
 ??  ?? Discussion Rhona Brock
Discussion Rhona Brock

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