Strathearn Herald

50 YEARS AGO Kangaroo Syd and

Circus coming to town


Almost every shop window in Crieff has, for the past week or so, been sporting posters intimating the impending arrival of the circus to the town.

Early on Sunday afternoon, the Robert Brothers’ herd of baby elephants and camels arrives at James Square and walks to the Market Park where the scene will no doubt be one of frenzied activity as the final touches will be put to the city of canvas which will spring up almost overnight for this weekend in readiness for the first performanc­e on Monday afternoon.

Circuses throughout the world are generally a collection of families who can trace their descent through generation­s of performers, and in this, the Robert Brothers - Bobby and Tommy - run true to form.

Their family connection­s with the circus go back 300 years, their ancestors including some of the greatest animal trainers of all time.

Their mother Mary Fossett was a famous bareback rider and their father was one of the greatest acrobats of his age.

With their background you would expect Tommy and Bobby to be versatile performers - and they are.

Their activities range from bareback riding to the training of practicall­y every type of animal.

In their circus they have 20 star attraction­s, 100 artistes and animals from 14 different countries, including Sydney, who is the famous boxing kangaroo.

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