Strathearn Herald

WW1 poetry author appeal


Organisers of Crieff Remembers are appealing to Strath residents to see if anyone knows the author of a poignant poem which appeared in a 1918 edition of the Strathearn Herald.

Jean Ann Scott Miller of Festivals Crieff, which is putting together a variety of commemorat­ive events this summer to mark the 100th anniversar­y of World War 1, said:“This very touching poem was published in the Herald on 5th January 1918. We’d be extremely interested to know anything more about it.

“It was clearly written by a Comrie man, and there are Fergusons on the Comrie War Memorial.

“Can anyone link the poem to one of these?

“I’m guessing that Ferguson was killed at Passchenda­ele from the title.

“In addition, can anyone tell us who‘Col’ - the author - was?”

The Battle of Passchenda­ele was a campaign of the First World War, fought by the Allies against the German Empire and took place on the Western Front, from July to November 1917, for control of the ridges south and east of the Belgian city of Ypres. The attack at Passchenda­ele was Sir Douglas Haig’s attempt to break through Flanders. It became infamous not only for the scale of casualties, but also for the muddy conditions there.

Flanders, November 1917

“Over the top,”the orders say;

“Over the top,”at break of day.

It’s strange I think of mignonette

And wall-flowers, when the nights were wet

In the old garden by the square;

Ah! Me, what quiet days were there;

It’s far ayont the hills I’d be ,

For they’re the only hills for me;

Atour the hills, ayont Dunblane,

Whether in sunshine or in rain.

I ken the road that I would go –

The old, old road the tinkers know;

From Braco toll, the Langside Cross,

Past Tighnablai­r to Dalginross.

I hear the hill burns roaring down,

I see the stubble fields all brown;

The winter frosts are setting in,

The winter winds begin to sting,

The yellow leaf from tree is blown,

The feltie and the swallow flown;

E’er hearst is havened once again,

May I be there in sun and rain;

Back where the restless Earn twines,

By Lennoch meads and Turleum’s pines –

Past Newton Crags to Bogton Brae (Note by Chum) “Poor Ferguson went home today.”


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