Strathearn Herald


10 marathons in 10 months

- Ross Gardiner

An Auchterard­er man is taking on a mammoth marathon challenge in which he hopes to tackle ten in as many months.

Sam Miller, a car salesman from the Lang Toon, started the challenge in September with the Loch Ness Marathon, and will be completing one a month all the way through to June next year.

He said: “My wife, Lynne, is a presenter for Heart Radio in Glasgow and she told me about their charity ‘Global’s Make Some Noise’. They support lots of small projects across Scotland, and I knew I wanted to do something.

“I thought the London Marathon would be a great platform to raise some funds. It wasn’t until I started training that I realised that I could really do something special, memorable and ridiculous to maximise the sponsorshi­p potential!

“I’m not doing this because I like running marathons. The truth is I don’t! If it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth people parting with their money!

“I’m 15 stone (ish), unfit and doing this because it is a challenge and an extremely worthwhile cause.

“I was inspired by watching the now famous closing scenes of this year’s London Marathon with the lad getting carried over the line by a fellow runner.

“I’ve always wanted to run the London Marathon but having run a few before I began to get carried away and added a few more!

“Then things just grew arms and legs and before I knew it I had pencilled in 10 and booked flights to Istanbul!

“Between working and having my hands full at home, getting in training wasn’t easy and I only started eight weeks before the first marathon.

“I’ve completed the Loch Ness and Kinloch Rannoch marathons, and I’ve just returned from Istanbul for the third one. I managed to hobble my way around Loch Ness and my times have improved race on race.

“In Istanbul, I was close to getting under 4:30:00 but would like to be around the four hour mark come June for marathon number 10! It was a tough course and the temperatur­e was slightly higher than what I’m used to!

“Because of a lack of local marathons between December and February, I’ve had to adapt and with the help of my local running club, Five Star Active, I’m able to plan a 26.2 mile route locally on Christmas Eve! January will see me take to the streets in Perth, Luncarty and Scone, and in February I’ll be completing the distance on a treadmill.

“The marathons remaining are a local run in Gleneagles and Auchterard­er in December, the unofficial Perth marathon in January, 26.2 miles on a treadmill in February, the Barcelona Marathon in Spain in March, April’s London Marathon, May’s Edinburgh Marathon and rounded off in June with the Strathearn Marathon.

“So far I’ve raised well over £750 from sponsorshi­p and a bowls day.

“Other events I have planned include a pub quiz, sportsmen’s dinner and bingo tea, all being organised by my dad Norie. I’ve set a modest target of £2000.”

You can support Sam by donating at his JustGiving page:

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Hitting the road Sam on his first challenge

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