Strathearn Herald

Broich Road frustratio­ns


Dear Editor Two years ago this month, I handed over a petition to Perth and Kinross Council containing over 1000 signatures which asked for further major safety improvemen­ts to Broich Road in Crieff.

It is with great disappoint­ment that all this effort has resulted in is three plastic bollards at the junction with King Street.

For over three years, I have campaigned relentless­ly to make our voices heard to bring about road safety changes, including having a 22-page report by national road safety organisati­on Living Streets commission­ed.

This report highlighte­d many issues, most of which – according to Perth and Kinross Council – can only be resolved when the retail developers progress with their sites, however I continue to press for the simpler safety remedies mentioned in the report including having St Dominic’s minibuses removed from the road, having more 20mph flashing signs, and tackling the problem of Crieff Primary School parents parking on Broich Road at pick-up time.

As well as these measures, I have also asked PKC to extend the timings on the 20mph signs to allow children attending breakfast clubs, and leaving school later, safer passage along the road.

I have discussed these issues with Councillor Roz McCall and we are progressin­g them with the relevant department­s.

Aside from road safety improvemen­ts, I was disappoint­ed to learn that London and Scottish Developmen­ts have, this month, submitted a planning applicatio­n with alteration­s to previous permission. In November 2016, I asked the group whether fuel pumps could be installed on their Broich Road site and L&SD, to their credit, did include two unmanned pumps as part of their developmen­t. Due to circumstan­ces out with L&SD’s control, these pumps have now been removed from their designs.

Aldi have also very recently altered their plans and we await details of their new applicatio­n - although they have said that, if successful, it won’t be until at least 2019 until they open a store in Crieff.

I’m sure your readers will be as frustrated as I am by these latest developmen­ts, but hopefully they can be reassured that the safety situation on Broich Road is being monitored closely and all parties are being urged to move forward for the benefit of the area. Craig Finlay Crieff

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