Strathearn Herald

Superheroe­s on full power now


exposition-heavy and while you will laugh at a few of the jokes, there are as many gags you’ll roll your eyes at as Whedon fails to repeat the warmth and natural banter he injected into his Avengers flicks.

Gadot and Affleck come top of the League, the former once again proving to be the crown jewel in DC’s crown and the latter building strongly on his divisive turn in Batman v Superman.

Speaking of divisive, I’m still trying to work out whether I enjoyed or disliked Miller’s take on The Flash. One thing is for sure, Grant Gustin does the Scarlet Speedster more justice on the small screen.

Momoa is coolness personifie­d and I want to see more of his Aquaman, and Cyborg has several ace powers – it’s just a shame they are gifted to a rather bland Fisher.

One of the criticisms often aimed at Marvel is the quality of their villains, but even by those flawed standards, Steppenwol­f is a soulless cypher unworthy of facing off with the League.

But Snyder and Whedon have managed to keep a few secrets from the hefty marketing campaign, there are spine-tingling call-backs to the classic Batman 89 and Superman 78 musical scores and a stunning Lord of the Rings-meetsThe Avengers flashback.

And although we never get a true sense of global peril and things get wrapped up far too quickly, the final few minutes – and the midand-post-credits scenes – are real crowd-pleasers.

Justice League isn’t the epic adventure many were hoping for, but it’s lively, fun and never dull.

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 ??  ?? Teaming up Wonder Woman, Batman and The Flash in action
Teaming up Wonder Woman, Batman and The Flash in action

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