Strathearn Herald

£1m boost for Highland hub


developmen­t of the Crieff Internatio­nal Highland Centre.

“Our vision is a centre for Highland sports, dance and music, as well as providing facilities to link in with local community groups.

“It is early days in the developmen­t of this project but we would like to thank Luke Graham MP and Councillor Roz McCall for their support in obtaining this funding – their efforts are greatly appreciate­d.”

Anna added: “We hope to move forward in developing this new centre as soon as we can and will be in talks with various local community groups to ensure that the facility is not only fitting for Crieff Highland Gathering, but the local community as well.

“It is a very exciting time for Crieff with the community buy- out of the Drummond Arms together with the plans for a Highland centre being announced in quick succession.”

And Innerpeffr­ay Library is also set to benefit to the tune of £100,000 to add to its heritage trail and upgrade education facilities and informatio­n points at the visitor attraction between Crieff and Auchterard­er.

The chairman of governors at Innerpeffr­ay Library, Martyn Wade, commented: “Innerpeffr­ay is a unique library in a wonderful part of Scotland.

“We are delighted to receive this support which will help to ensure that more people can discover and enjoy visiting this very special place in the heart of Perthshire.”

The funding is part of the UK government’s £150m commitment to the Tay Cities Deal to “transform” the region’s economy.

The £3m was originally allocated to acquire the MoD RM Condor Airfield but, following the news earlier this year that the MoD is to retain the airfield, the money is now being re-invested to fund the Strath projects – as well as £1.6m for Aero Space Kinross to develop a year-round visitor attraction that will include a 3D planetariu­m, and £300,000 for the University of St Andrews Stretch Dome Simulator.

The announceme­nt was made last Friday at Innerpeffr­ay Library by UK government minister for Scotland, Colin Clark.

He declared: “I was pleased to make the announceme­nt at Innerpeffr­ay Library, Scotland’s oldest free lending library, which is helping to safeguard our unique Scottish heritage.

“The Tay Cities Deal will transform the region, boosting jobs and helping the economy to thrive across Dundee, Fife, Angus and Perth and Kinross.”

Ochil and South Perthshire Conservati­ve MP Luke Graham said: “It has been two years of hard work from the project owners, local stakeholde­rs and government officials which is why I’m so pleased.

“Since being elected I was determined to ensure South Perthshire and Kinross-shire gained direct investment from the Tay Cities Deal and our persistenc­e has paid off.

“This is a massive step forward.”

Perthshire South and Kinross-shire SNP MSP Roseanna Cunningham added her praise.

She said: “Innerpeffr­ay Library is an absolute gem of a place, a real favourite of mine, so I am truly delighted to see it receiving this boost.

“Crieff is a natural choice for a national centre for Highland sports, dance and music.”

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