Strathearn Herald

Mixed views on new transport bill


Holyrood recently passed the transport bill and it brings some much-needed modernisat­ion to the rules governing the way we get around Scotland.

There was an unusual but welcome moment of consensus during the parliament­ary debate.

Part of the reason for the sorry state of bus services across Scotland is the persistenc­e of Thatcher era regulation­s which make it near impossible for a council to run a municipal bus service.

The transport bill puts an end to these rules and it was encouragin­g to see the amendments on this issue supported by every party, vindicatin­g Green’s Better Buses campaign.

At the moment, councils are generally restricted to providing a service where there is“un-met need”.

That essentiall­y means commercial operators have abandoned the route because there’s no money in it, leaving them free to charge extortiona­te fares on the more popular routes.

This is a particular problem in rural areas, with too many communitie­s cut off by margin-shaving private providers. Why should Stagecoach be allowed to abandon sections of Perthshire while exploiting others for profit?

Public transport is a public service and should be run for your benefit, not that of corporate shareholde­rs.

The new regulation­s make it easier for councils to run a truly public transport network, replicatin­g the success of Lothian Buses where the network is affordable, popular, and expanding.

Sadly, bus use in Scotland continues to decline but it’s easy to see why when they remain expensive and unreliable. These new regulation­s are the first step in arresting that downward turn and giving everyone a clean, efficient and affordable alternativ­e to the car

adly, there wasn’t complete consensus on the bill.

There was much controvers­y regarding the workplace parking levy, which was often misreprese­nted by parties opposed to the measure.

The levy has proven to be successful in Nottingham, bringing much needed funds for public transport.

It’s also a measure that’s been championed by Labour in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

A crucial point, often missed in the debate, is that this new law doesn’t require councils to introduce the new levy.

It simply allows them to should they chose and its unlikely Perth and Kinross Council will in the short term. Realistica­lly, it’s likely to be initially confined to the city centres of Edinburgh and Glasgow.

If a local authority believes that the measure is inappropri­ate for their area, then they are under no obligation to introduce it.

NHS facilities are exempt by default, but councils are also free to add exemptions which might be appropriat­e for their circumstan­ces.

Councils can design a scheme that suits their needs if it is developed alongside full consultati­on with the community and the funds raised are used to improve transport throughout the area.

This bill represents progress for transport in Scotland.

Thanks to Green pressure it puts an end to dated Tory regulation­s which have simultaneo­usly kept our bus services substandar­d while lining the pockets of private profit.

We need, and deserve, better public transport.

This is the start of that journey.

Public transport is a public service and should be run for your benefit, not that of corporate shareholde­rs

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