Strathearn Herald

Sheriff’s jail warning after attempted bottle assault


A man who tried to strike two different men on the head with a bottle after causing mayhem in a busy Crieff street was warned this week to “screw the nut” - or he would end up behind bars.

Perth Sheriff Court was told that 37 year-old Michael Riddell battled with four police officers who were called to the scene - and bit one of the officer’s arms.

The accused, of Campsie Road in Perth, was ordered to carry out 240 hours of unpaid work within six months as a “direct alternativ­e” to a jail term.

He admitted attempting to strike Patrick Stewart and Duncan Martin with a bottle in Crieff High Street on July 7, 2018.

He then struggled violently with the officers sent to deal with the incident, lashing out with his arms and refusing to co-operate while handcuffs were applied.

Next he bit PC Michael Greshan on the arm in Crieff’s Cornton Place.

And while in the back of a police van on July 8 – and at Perth police headquarte­rs – he made violent threats to two police officers, threatenin­g to find their children and sexually assault them.

The court heard that Riddell had was already the subject of a 200- hour

Community Payback Order, imposed earlier this year, after he unleashed repeated torrents of abuse at nurses as they tried to treat him at Perth Royal Infirmary.

Imposing the latest unpaid work, Sheri f f Lindsay Foulis told Riddell: “I suspect that’s the easy bit for you. The more challengin­g part will be not to come back before the court.”

He added:“If you offend again, particular­ly carrying out an assault or causing a disturbanc­e, you are virtually at the door of custody. Take that on board for future reference. Screw the nut or you will lose your liberty.”

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