Strathearn Herald


Fast response to foodbank fundraiser


More struggling families will be sure of a feast this Christmas thanks to the generosity of those responding to an appeal by friends of the foodbank in Crieff.

An online fundraisin­g drive was set up recently to enable families to have a freshly-prepared Christmas dinner this year rather than make do with canned food, which is what the lifeline service normally accepts.

And local residents were quick to respond as, within 36 hours of the page going live on the JustGiving website, the target of £750 was met.

Comrie’s Alan Caldwell, pictured, who set up the page, said the statistics in relation to the foodbank made for depressing reading. He told the Herald: “Last year we distribute­d Christmas meals to 18 families – 35 adults

and 33 children. This year it is 27 families – 50 adults and 42 children.”

All funds raised online are going directly to paying for special boxes that will contain fresh ingredient­s to prepare a Christmas meal.

Alan explained: “At Christmas, we want these families to have a lovely Christmas meal.

“The usual collection­s for the foodbank can’t accept perishable­s, so we are going to buy Christmas lunch boxes just before December 25 with all the fresh ingredient­s needed to make the meal like turkey or chicken, vegetables, trimmings, Christmas cake, etc.

“This will be the third year we have run this initiative. From the feedback from previous years we know that the community’s generosity made all the difference to those families on Christmas day.

“Rather depressing­ly, as the use of the foodbank is continuing to rise, we expect a greater demand this year.”

Families must be referred to the foodbank and those using it will be asked if they would like one of the meal boxes.

On Christmas Eve the fresh food will be collected from participat­ing shops and contributo­rs, and the parcels will be made up to order by volunteers and distribute­d directly to the families that afternoon.

Each family will also receive a hand- written Christmas card from the volunteers expressing goodwill and best wishes.

Alan added: “We do live in such an amazing community.

“We met this year’s funding target in 36 hours and the current total is approachin­g twice our target.

“This will allow us to change Christmas Day for families in need in our community and support our local foodbank into the new year.

“A huge thanks should go to everyone who donated and the shops and groups that are supporting the Christmas meals.”

Tina McRorie, who volunteers with the Crieff foodbank – which recently moved into the King’s Centre in King Street – said: “We were so lucky to get to target.

“The community spirit in Crieff shone through as everybody came together to help those worse off than themselves.”

Tina said the foodbank has been much busier since moving into its new base next to Crieff Community Hospital.

She continued: “Our new premises are spacious, bright and I hope I have made it welcoming.”

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