Strathearn Herald

Man (63) escapes time in jail


A man who grew thousands of pounds worth of his own cannabis to alleviate his chronic back and hip pain has escaped a jail sentence.

Instead, 63 year-old James Murdoch had a five-month Restrictio­n of Liberty Order imposed as an alternativ­e to time behind bars.

He will be electronic­ally tagged and will have to stay indoors at his home in Servite Court, Braco, from 7pm-7am, seven days a week.

Perth Sheriff Court was told the prosecutio­n put a value of over £11,000 on the 17 plants seized by police but that was disputed by the defence.

After a protracted legal battle, it was accepted the plants and their cannabis yield had a significan­tly lower value.

Murdoch admitted cultivatin­g the Class B drug at his home on August 15, 2019.

Depute fiscal Malcolm Sweeney said police obtained a search warrant for the property and that was executed about 9am.

They discovered the cannabis plants in the accused’s bedroom.

According to police, each could potentiall­y produce £660 of the drug, given their maximum yield.

That would take the total to £11,220. Two tents had been set up, along with lighting, to facilitate the plants’ growth, the court heard.

Eleven “large jars” – containing green herbal matter, with a street value of around £ 5000 – were also confiscate­d.

Murdoch gave a ‘no comment’ interview and made no reply when cautioned and charged, added the fiscal.

Solicitor David Holmes said the accused had “ongoing significan­t medical issues” and used the drug for therapeuti­c purposes.

Murdoch, who was jailed for nine months at Edinburgh High Court in 1995 for a similar offence, was to have discovered his fate earlier this year but the coronaviru­s pandemic intervened.

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