Strathearn Herald

Thank you for town’s striking new sculpture

Groups work together on landmark


Crieff in Leaf volunteers and representa­tives of local organisati­ons that helped bring the Strath capital’s much admired thistle sculpture to Gallowhill gathered at the town’s newest landmark on Tuesday.

Iain Brown, chair of the awardwinni­ng green-fingered group, wanted to formally acknowledg­e the support received in bringing the project to fruition.

He told the Herald: “I wanted to do something publicly to thank all the supporters who made this possible.

“The back story was that we originally wanted to do something on the bed at the back where the golfer sculpture was, and when Art Fe came to discuss what they might do they had one of their coo sculptures on their trailer, so we decided to put coos up at Burrell Square.

“But this was always an open space that we had always had an idea of a thistle for.

“The Co- op were kind enough to enter us into their community fund and we got that money so we commission­ed the thistle.

“The road layout had changed by then so we decided to put it in this bed.

“We then got support from Crieff Highland Gathering and from Crieff and Strathearn Tourism Associatio­n who really helped in making this possible as well and contribute­d hugely to it. “It’s a beautiful piece of work.” Anna McLean, chair of Crieff Highland Gathering, said: “It’s so iconic. Crieff Highland Gathering Trust is delighted to be involved in supporting the community but Crieff in Leaf as well for doing this.

“On the back of the Burrell Street coos, which were so well-received, to put this here where everyone is driving past is great, and especially in view of Market Park, so we are delighted to have been involved.”

Co-op community member pioneer Alexandra MacDonald commented: “I think it is absolutely amazing. It was well worth the Co- op contributi­ng towards it.

“As you come into town it’s right there - you could say it’s the heart, but it’s not, it’s the start between King Street and Burrell Street, and I’m sure people will be saying ‘wow’ when they catch a glimpse of it as they come into town.”

Stuart McLaren of Crieff and Strathearn Tourism Associatio­n said: “It’s a pleasing piece of artwork to see as you come in to town.

“Well done to Crieff in Leaf for organising it.”

 ?? ?? Thistle do nicely Crieff in Leaf volunteers Kate and Hector MacAulay, Margaret Morrison, Dave McKeggie and chair Iain Brown and Alexandra MacDonald from Crieff Co-op and Anna McLean, chair of Crieff Highland Gathering
Thistle do nicely Crieff in Leaf volunteers Kate and Hector MacAulay, Margaret Morrison, Dave McKeggie and chair Iain Brown and Alexandra MacDonald from Crieff Co-op and Anna McLean, chair of Crieff Highland Gathering

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