Strathearn Herald

Unanswered questions are a disappoint­ment

- As a council tax-payer, whose domestic outgoings part-fund the salaries of the three elected members for Ward 6 – and quite a number of faceless Perth and Kinross Council individual­s – I do not feel it is unreasonab­le to expect a written response to my co

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Dear Editor

This requested their individual views on a) the awful condition of the Crieff Town Hall – pictured – interior, and b) the optimum longterm location for the display of Strathearn’s three superb monuments which continue to languish in an uninviting, now rarely open, and highly problemati­c building in terms of accessibil­ity for the infirm and disabled. strathearn­

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I asked Baillie Brock, and councillor­s Donaldson and Khogali, to visit the old Town Hall to view its disgracefu­l state which I have previously described as a ‘cultural slum’ – but none has yet done so. Why?

Only Cllr Donaldson had the courtesy to reply to reaffirm his view that moving the monuments to the campus library would be the ideal location, as proposed back in 2009.

But neither Baillie Brock nor Cllr Khogali appear prepared to

Pictured is a part of Drummond Castle Gardens, taken on Monday this week by Stephen Woollard. comment. Why?

So, we have only one answer to six questions asked of three individual­s. Not a ringing endorsemen­t of our elected members’ commitment to Strathearn’s heritage.

To add insult to injury I telephoned the council recently to enquire when the monuments would be on open display.

I was told access was seasonal – what season?! – with the premises shut at the moment; no reason being given.

This just proves that, with precious few exceptions, neither the council, Culture Perth and Kinross, or our ward councillor­s really care about the future display of this town’s unique collection of monuments.

For some 14 years I have striven to strengthen Crieff’s archaeolog­ical offering; fighting for the relocation of the Crieff Monuments to the campus, and steering the developmen­t of the Community Campus Archaeolog­y Trail.

The former has been damned by the highly-political and negative actions of a minority cabal with their grandiose and deluded plans for the reuse of Crieff’s old Town Hall.

On the other hand, the Community Campus Archaeolog­y Trail appears to be an outstandin­g success, especially among the town’s increasing younger population/families.

This project has been volunteer-led – with no demands on the public purse.

I hope the new community council might take a more intelligen­t view of this issue, and lobby for common sense to prevail.

Ian Hamilton, Crieff

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