Stuff (UK)

The hands of God


The sixth game in the initial lineup is football – played with your hands, obviously. In either one-on-one or four-on-four matches, you move your players around the pitch flicking your wrists forward, left or right to leather an oversized ball.

You can’t tackle but you can, hilariousl­y, leap into the air for a diving header at any moment. You can even call for the ball, but that’s unlikely to make much difference playing with greedy friends.

This game has real Rocket League vibes, but it’s a slower and far less complex arcade spin on football. Scoring from range crucially feels great; and while we still haven’t quite managed a Shearer-esque headed finish, we know it’ll look even better when it finally happens.

There’s a penalty shootout mode that uses a leg strap (if you own Ring Fit Adventure you already have one), and has you actually kicking a virtual ball towards a goal that gets smaller each time you score. It’s simplistic and doesn’t feel very accurate, but maybe that’s just bitterness talking.

The option to play using a leg strap in team games will be added in a future update, and we can only imagine the chaos that will bring.

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