Style at Home (UK)

Clean like your granny did


Scrub up with store cupboard remedies instead of chemicals – the old ways are the best!

Bicarbonat­e of soda remove tea stains from crockery Sprinkle onto a warm, dampened cup, rub over stain with a cloth, then rinse. Clean the oven Apply a thick paste made with water to the inside, leave overnight, then scrape off and wipe clean – a great result with no chemical smell. Get showerhead­s sparkling Tie a sandwich bag with a mix of soda and vinegar over a showerhead overnight. Scrub off deposits then flush through. Get a clean loo Spray bowl with white vinegar then sprinkle with soda. Allow to fizz and react, then scrub and flush.

Lemons De-scale taps Wrap a cloth soaked in lemon juice around taps and leave for an hour. Scrub with an old toothbrush, rinse. Blocked spouts Push the cut end of half a lemon over the spout and leave overnight to tackle gunky build up. Freshen the microwave Place a cup of boiling water mixed with the juice of half a lemon inside and heat for 30 seconds, then wipe with a clean damp cloth. Deodorise the fridge Halve a lemon, scoop out the flesh then fill with salt and pop in the fridge. Clean chopping boards Rub half a lemon over the board then scrub to remove smells and help disinfect it.

White vinegar shine windows Spray a 50:50 vinegar/ water solution on windows, then polish with scrunched newspaper. Deal with dirty bathroom grout Spray on, leave for five minutes then scrub with an old toothbrush before rinsing. Ban nasty niffs Boil a cup of distilled white vinegar with a couple of cloves to rid the kitchen of cooking smells. remove residue from scissors Wipe blades with a cloth dipped in vinegar to remove sticky grime from scissors.

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