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Zoo place names

You will need plastic animal figures Gold spray paint sparkly pipe cleaners Beads Mini tassels ribbon Black card scissors Metallic pen


1 In a well-ventilated area, spray paint a selection of children’s plastic animal figures gold. Leave to dry, then add another coat. 2 Decorate each animal with sparkly pipe cleaners, dazzling beads and mini tassels. For the elephant, wrap up a mini box in coordinati­ng paper and tie to its back with organza ribbon. 3 Create small tags from black card and add a name using a white or metallic pen. Thread around the neck of each animal and position at place settings on the table.

 ??  ?? create a jazzy garland by looping colourful ribbon tassels over a length of cord
create a jazzy garland by looping colourful ribbon tassels over a length of cord

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