Sunday Express

Sacred flame that we must not extinguish

- By Col Bob Stewart DSO MP

NAPOLEON correctly identified the morale of his soldiers as the crucial ingredient of their success. He called it “the sacred flame”, saying that it mattered more than anything else and maintainin­g that morale “was to the physical as three is to one”.

Having spent 28 years as an Army officer I am, therefore, gutted by the news that over the next few years we will witness the loss of very distinguis­hed and historic regiments, battalions and units.

When I was selected to attend the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 1967 I knew that, provided I passed the course, I would be granted a regular commission with an almost guaranteed career until I was 55. Today no officer cadet at Sandhurst gets such a guarantee. Obviously this lack of certainty also erodes morale.

I know high morale within the Army can compensate for other deficienci­es, especially numbers. I saw that when I had the privilege of commanding 1st Battalion the Cheshire Regiment, in Bosnia during 1992 and 1993.

Often, while talking with the commanders of the various factions and armies, I’d be asked: “How many men do you have under your command?” Obviously I would not answer directly but would ask the commander concerned how many he thought I had. Invariably they guessed between 3,000 and 4,000.

In fact I had 800. The point is that my regiment’s soldiers gave the impression that they were far more numerous than they were and it was their regimental pride that gave such a positive impression.

Organisati­on and numbers are important to military success. The strategic defence and security review has determined that the Army is to be reduced to as few as 82,000 serving soldiers.

Definition­s of an army often suggest a properly constitute­d one should have at least 100,000 officers and soldiers. As the Sunday Express suggested in February, in future the British Army might more properly be dubbed the British Self-Defence Force. I shudder at that thought.

Quite rightly, the Army’s regimental system is respected worldwide but what exactly is that much-rated system?

The term was coined in Britain in the mid-17th century when retinues that followed a certain leader were organised into some form of standing military force. Such regiments were normally named after the BRAVERY: The men of the Cheshire Regiment gave their all during the bloody Battle of the Somme in 1916 colonel who commanded them. For example my regiment, now called 1st Battalion the Mercian Regiment (the old Cheshires), was formed in 1689 on the racecourse at Chester. It was then called the Duke of Norfolk’s Regiment. Later it became the 22nd Regiment, after its precedence in the order of battle. Later still it became properly linked to the county of Cheshire. A similar process happened to most of our great county regiments.

Even today, each regiment’s colonel has the right to select his officers. It was usual for soldiers to spend their entire careers within their regiment and they frequently served with comrades they had known since childhood.

At the time of the Ballykelly bomb in 1982, I was commanding officer of A Company 1st Battalion the 22nd Cheshire Regiment. Six of my soldiers were killed and over five days I attended their funerals. At these funerals, several mothers put their arms around me, saying they understood my sorrow. I was amazed by that but it was because the regimental system is so emotive that it often seems like a family.

Infantry regiments take pride in the words “the regimental family”. Many soldiers in my regiment were in the fourth, fifth or even sixth generation, serving in their family regiment. That sense of family is vital in battle. In the Commons on Thursday MPs were told by the Defence Secretary that four or five infantry battalions were to be disbanded. It was argued that so-called large regiments would simply be losing one of their many battalions.

This disguises the fact that, in the very recent past, small county regiments have been banded together into “super regiments”. The super regiment will stay and no regimental cap badge will be lost, they say. This is a slight distortion.

My regiment was directed to become 1st Battalion the Mercian Regiment. In much the same way the 2nd Mercians came from 1st Battalion the Worcesters­hire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment, while the 3rd Mercians was formed from the 1st Battalion the Staffordsh­ire Regiment.

THE Cheshires, Worcester and Sherwood Foresters and the Staffords were told to keep their regimental histories and their pride, under the umbrella title of the Mercian Regiment. They also kept a firm link to their counties. This link to home was a crucial ingredient of the regimental system. Alas I fear that precious link may be no more, particular­ly in places like Staffordsh­ire which for so many years provided its regiment with its sons.

I know what I say may seem parochial and somewhat petty but to so many who have been soldiers, or whose family members have served, the regimental system matters greatly. It is a tremendous bulwark for frightened men in battle and supports others. It makes incredibly brave bands of brothers who are ready to put their lives on the line for the rest of us.

Our regimental system is the envy of almost every other army in the world. I fear it will require some tender, loving care if it is to survive.

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