Sunday Express

I want to make you laugh, not snigger NEIL CLARK looks back at the career of much-loved comedian Eric Sykes and why his gentle brand of humour is an object lesson for today’s brash stars


THE PHRASE “comic genius” is sometimes overused but there is no exaggerati­on when it is applied to Eric Sykes who died last week at the age of 89. In his long career, stretched over 60 years, he excelled in several areas. Sykes did silent comedy: he directed and starred in the hilarious short fi lm The Plank. He did clever verbal comedy, writing scripts for, among others, Frankie Howerd, Tony Hancock and The Goons. He was an accomplish­ed comic actor in fi lms. Who can ever forget the performanc­es he gave as the long-suffering manservant of the dastardly upper- class characters played by Terry-Thomas in Those Magnificen­t Men In Their Flying Machines and Monte Carlo Or Bust?

He was also a great raconteur who found humour in the most unlikely of situations. After he had a serious heart operation he quipped: “I don’t know if it was a triple or a quadruple bypass. I wasn’t counting at the time.”

The one thing that Eric Sykes didn’t do was nasty, sneering, foul-mouthed comedy. All of his humour was gentle and life- enhancing, unlike the comedy of so many of the “cutting edge”, “alternativ­e” comedians of today.

To get his laughs Sykes didn’t rely on swearing or crude jokes about bodily functions. Of course, such humour was strictly off-limits when Sykes was learning his trade. We were all the better for it, too, as it encouraged comedy performers to be more creative and work harder to get their laughs.

The Fifties, the decade when Sykes fi rst made his name, was a golden age of comedy in Britain. It was the era of classic radio shows such as Educating Archie, The Goon Show and Hancock’s Half Hour.

Sykes got his big break when Frankie Howerd, one of the country’s leading stand-up comedians, asked him to write for him. “My career had taken a huge leap forward,” Sykes wrote later. “Apart from a few lines in a letter home, this was the fi rst thing I’d ever written and in less than an hour I’d earned myself five pounds, in those days two weeks’ rent.”

Sykes went from strength to strength. In 1960 he began the associatio­n for which he will be most remembered, with the great comedy actress Hattie Jacques. Sykes And A… starring Eric as an accident-prone bachelor living with his sister, played by Jacques, ran for five years in the Sixties and then returned under the title Sykes, in the Seventies, when it ran for another seven years.

Eric and Hat are often frustrated with each other. In one classic episode they are handcuffed to each other, causing great trouble when trying to eat their dinner but the humour was always affectiona­te and never cruel.

The series featured some memorable supporting characters: Deryck Guyler played Corky, the ever- cheerful policeman, while Richard Wattis starred as the snobbish Charles Fulbright-Brown, who lived next door.

It’s interestin­g to compare the gentle comedy of Eric Sykes with that of today’s more abrasive comedians. The difference is that while the new wave set out to shock us and be as outrageous as possible, Sykes just had one aim: to make us laugh. “I was, and am, totally dedicated to a comedy that induces people to laugh, not chuckle, or titter or, at worst, snigger, but to throw back their heads in a joyous burst of capitulati­on,” he once said. Sykes’s humour was a product of a different era. His was the humour of the Second World War generation, people who had known much hardship. Sykes himself had a tough upbringing. His mother died in childbirth and his father was a labourer in a Lancashire cotton mill. Yet the hardships which he and other comics of the era had to endure didn’t make them bitter but more inclined to see the funny side of life.

“I hate bread pudding,” he once joked. “We didn’t have the bucket in the old days… just made it on the floor.”

Although life may have been more of a struggle, it was in many ways a much kinder society and this was reflected in what people laughed at. “Counsellor­s had yet to be invented, social workers didn’t exist and the Citizens’ Advice Bureau was not even in the pipeline but on the plus side, people cared more…” Sykes reflected in his autobiogra­phy.

Today’s comedians tend to be from much more affluent background­s and unlike Eric Sykes have never experience­d poverty or war. That’s perhaps why their humour lacks the humanity which shines through in his work. Sykes’s comedy is timeless and watching him just makes us feel better.

Will future generation­s be looking back at today’s foulmouthe­d comedians with as much affection when they die?

I very much doubt it.

 ?? Picture: SPORTSPHOT­O/ Allstar ?? SLICK AS A PLANK: Eric with Hattie Jacques in the 1963 TV episode that preceded his feature film
Picture: SPORTSPHOT­O/ Allstar SLICK AS A PLANK: Eric with Hattie Jacques in the 1963 TV episode that preceded his feature film

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