Sunday Express



used to. We don’t have players who can change a game.”

Recent friendly defeats to Mexico and Argentina have done little to boost Brazil’s flagging self-confidence.

And with the World Cup just two years away, there’s an acceptance that the task facing Mano Menezes, who replaced Dunga as Brazil manager in July 2010, is a mountainou­s one.

Torres added: “The only ‘craque’ (roughly translated as ‘ace’) player we have is Neymar. “He is the only guy who is on the level of Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi.

“It’s difficult for Brazilians to see a side with so few great players in the team.”

The current focus for Brazil and a generation of talent that includes Neymar and Manchester United target Lucas is on the Olympic title.

Failure to deliver gold in London could see Menezes pay the price, with Phil Scolari rumoured to be waiting in the wings for another crack at World Cup glory.

James Young, a British writer living in Brazil, said: “The barren years and the country’s slip down the rankings have led to self-doubt creeping in. Brazilians aren’t as cocky as they used to be.”

With the World Cup approachin­g, there is one fear dominating Brazilian thoughts.

Torres said: “Our worst nightmare is to see Argentina winning in the Maracana (in the 2014 final). Maybe England, maybe Germany, definitely Spain, but Argentina? Please, no.”

That would be the final insult.

WORLD-BEATER: Pele in 1970

 ??  ?? THE GREATEST? This Spain side
is challengin­g Brazil’s claim to have the best national team
of all time
THE GREATEST? This Spain side is challengin­g Brazil’s claim to have the best national team of all time

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