Sunday Express

Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘million’ fans protest on streets as deluded Diane declares he will be PM next year

- By James Fielding

IT WAS not quite a million and it did not bring down the Government.

But tens of thousands of hard-core Corbynista­s heeded their masters’ calls and took to the streets of London yesterday in a mass protest against the Conservati­ves.

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell had urged one million people to join the march in a bid to force a new general election.

He told them to “get out on the streets” and put pressure on Theresa May, saying: “We need people doing everything they can to ensure the election comes as early as possible.”

Wearing Corbyn T-shirts and chanting the leader’s name, tens of thousands marched carrying banners reading Tories Out.

Other slogans included No DUP, No Sanctions, Capitalism Kills, Organise To Fight Back, Justice For Grenfell and Safety For All.

Hammer and sickle flags were also flown by the faithful, alongside banners praising Hugo Chavez, the former leader of failing state Venezuela. The protest assembled at BBC

‘Scoring political points on the back of the Grenfell Tower tragedy is a disgrace’

Broadcasti­ng House in Portland Place before moving on to Parliament Square. There was a strong police presence at the demonstrat­ion, with some of the roads around the square closed to traffic.

At the start of the march, shadow home secretary Diane Abbott boasted to the screaming crowds that Corbyn would be prime minister within a year and secure justice for the Grenfell Tower fire victims.

She said: “We are here for the many, not the few. We are here for the community of North Kensington who saw the horror that was Grenfell and we are here to say that the leader and deputy leader of the local council have resigned. They should have resigned immediatel­y.

“We are here to say that we will not rest until there is justice for the people of Grenfell. We are here to say we will not stand for the demonisati­on of trade unions, we will not stand for the demonisati­on of immigrants and we will not stand for the demonisati­on of people who live in public sector housing.”

Ms Abbott whipped the crowd into a frenzy by claiming that despite “the most appalling media campaign against him” Labour leader Mr Corbyn “stands tall”.

She predicted that Labour would be victorious if there was an election in the “coming months” adding: “We will see Jeremy Corbyn at 10 Downing Street.”

When he made his way to the stage at the rally, Mr Corbyn was confronted by anarchists who insulted his supporters.

The Labour leader looked taken aback when he was approached by Lisa McKenzie, of Class War, who demanded to know what he was doing to stop the “social cleansing” of London.

Pink-haired firebrand Ms McKenzie waved a poster in his face listing working class estates that were or are being bulldozed to make way for luxury flats.

Mr Corbyn ignored her question and was quickly ushered through security to the make-shift stage by Parliament Green.

Earlier Ms McKenzie, veteran Class War activist Martin Wright and a handful of supporters faced off against a crowd of fawning Corbyn supporters. Ms McKenzie said: “Working class communitie­s are being destroyed by Labour-run councils. When are you going to wake up?

“When is Jeremy Corbyn going to speak out against the social cleansing of London? The Labour Party must be held to account.”

Crowds tried to drown her out with a chorus of boos and chants but she hit back, saying: “You’re all an embarrassm­ent.”

Wright agreed and fumed: “You think Corbyn is going to represent the working class any better than the Tories? He’ll do nothing, just as they’ve done nothing. You all hailed the start of the Blair government and looked what happened. Corbyn isn’t the answer.”

Mr Corbyn went on to tell the crowds: “The Tories are in retreat, austerity is in retreat, the economic arguments of austerity are in retreat.

“It’s those of social justice, of unity, of people coming together to oppose racism and all those that would divide us, that are the ones that are moving forward. This is the age in which we will achieve that decency and social justice that we all crave.”

Mr McDonnell acknowledg­ed that the march had not quite reached its million-strong target. He estimated it was a tenth that size but insisted this was a success.

Vowing to support the Grenfell Tower victims, he criticised the Tories for praising the emergency services “every time there’s a tragedy” but then cutting jobs and wages.

Among the crowd was Jean Mann, 48, a hospital administra­tor from Skegness in Lincolnshi­re, who said: “I’ve worked for the NHS since 2000 and over the last few years I’ve seen waiting lists grow and grow. I just feel things are not working properly any more. We desperatel­y need change.”

Corbyn supporter Jennifer Partridge, 41, a nanny from Watford, said: “There have been too many cuts to

education and the NHS. The way they handled the fire disaster was shameful. There should have been a task force set up to help people get back on their feet, instead it was left to the local community to rally round.”

Tory MP Andrew Bridgen accused Labour of ignoring the ballot box.

“Scoring party political points on the back of the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy is a disgrace – as is waving placards calling for the democratic­ally elected Government to be forced out,” he said.

“We know facts and figures have never been Diane’s strong point, but surely even she can work out that the 318 seats the Conservati­ves won on June 8 was more than the 262 seats Labour managed?”

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 ?? Pictures: YUI MOK/PA; DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/Getty; CHRIS J RATCLIFFE/Getty ?? PROTEST: Diane Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn address the crowds in Parliament Square as hard-Left supporters wearing scarlet masks peddle their extremist views during yesterday’s march in London which attracted only a tenth of the numbers expected
Pictures: YUI MOK/PA; DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/Getty; CHRIS J RATCLIFFE/Getty PROTEST: Diane Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn address the crowds in Parliament Square as hard-Left supporters wearing scarlet masks peddle their extremist views during yesterday’s march in London which attracted only a tenth of the numbers expected
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