Sunday Express

Our two great nations must fight against anti-democratic forces

- By Peggy Grande

THE special relationsh­ip between the United States and United Kingdom means we share a bond thicker than friendship.

Now, more than ever, those deep ties are needed to fight a shared foe – one that is attacking on both sides of the Pond, cutting to the very heart of democracy. Its weapons are deceit and fear.together we cannot let them prevail.

At the core of this battle is a fundamenta­l question – do we believe those in power should have the right to overrule the will of those they serve? Or do we believe the people know better how to live their lives, spend their money and flourish peacefully and prosperous­ly?

Right now in the United States we see an elected president undermined at every turn by many in power who more than three years later still cannot accept him as leader.

Why? Because he has exposed Washington DC’S dirty little secret – that the true division is not one of Right versus Left or Democrat versus Republican, but the powerful versus the people.

For too long, many on both sides have worked to benefit the powerful, often at the expense of the little man.

Donald Trump has incensed both parties as his loyalty is to the people of America, not to the powerful elites.

They can’t intimidate him and they despise him for it.they will stop at nothing to get him out of office – including threatenin­g impeachmen­t.

In the United Kingdom we see the largest vote in its history – Brexit – being undermined by those in power, who more than three years later still cannot accept the results of the 2016 referendum.

Why? Because it has exposed the fact that many of those in power who are elected to serve their constituen­ts are truly only serving themselves.

How else can you explain a complete disregard for the free and fair vote of the people?

Parliament still can’t accept or believe they voted to Leave the European Union – and they despise their own countrymen for it.

Do these situations sound familiar?the essence of both is that political power is now being weaponised to punish political difference­s – a dangerous threat to the very foundation of free and civil society.

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