Sunday Express


- By Matt Hancock

EVERYONE knows how physically healthy they feel, and how every day can feel different. Some days we can run for miles, other days we just want to go back to bed. Mental health is exactly the same.

For millions of people across the country, life can sometimes feel overwhelmi­ng.whatever the cause, at times, many people will feel like they can’t cope.

But that’s OK – they’re not alone and there is something they can do to help themselves. Every Mind Matters is about empowering everyone to manage their mental health.the easy-to-use digital tool offers personalis­ed advice and has simple steps we can all take to make sure we look after ourselves better.

This new programme is underpinne­d by three vital principles – first: that mental health is as important as physical health, second: prevention is better than cure, and third: that we must harness the power of technology for good. Historical­ly, Britain has been caricature­d as a country of repressed emotions and the “stiff upper lip” but in fact, we have led the world in challengin­g the stigma around mental health and changing attitudes.

It takes enormous bravery to speak openly about your struggles with mental health – and few people have done more to create this positive change in our public discourse than Princeswil­liam and Harry.

Every mind matters because everyone matters, and good health – both physical and mental – is what makes everything else in life possible.

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