Sunday Express



BORIS JOHNSON says an election victory for the Tories could see Brexit wrapped up in days.

Speaking exclusivel­y to the Sunday Express, the Prime Minister insisted he will drive through his deal at full speed if he wins the election on December 12.

Mr Johnson said: “You could put it in Gas Mark 4, 20 minutes and Bob’s your uncle.

He added: “I’ll get Brexit wrapped up fast.what I would say is, ‘Vote for us and you get Brexit done, you will get it done very fast and you will avoid another infinite period of dither and delay’.”

The Prime Minister added: “We get out of this thing – which we will, if I am lucky enough to be returned – then we have the opportunit­y of not just doing one big free trade deal with the EU but to become the centre of a great new push for global free trade.”

His comments come as an exclusive Comres poll for the Sunday Express reveals that Conservati­ve support has surged by three points to an eight per cent lead, which would give them a majority of 70.

In a further sign of his positive vision for the country, Mr

BORIS JOHNSON hopes his girlfriend Carrie Symonds will play a role in his election campaign.

Ms Symonds, 31, a former director of communicat­ions for the Conservati­ve Party, kept a low profile during the Tory leadership contest.

She was noticeably absent at hustings events where he took on former foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt.

The PM told the Sunday Express: “I hope very much that she will play some sort of supportive role, but I don’t know what that will be.”

Ms Symonds moved into 10 Downing Street with Mr Johnson when he became Prime Minister.

Johnson – speaking to mark his 100 days in office and launch his election campaign – also said that once Brexit was completed, it would be a time “for prosperity not austerity” as Britain begins a new era.

The Prime Minister admitted he was “wary” when it came to committing to a firm date after Remainer MPS prevented Britain leaving the EU on October 31, as he had pledged.

But with MPS likely to be back on December 13 or 16, Brexit could be pushed through quickly if the Tories have a majority.

The EU “flextensio­n” means Britain can leave the bloc any time before January 31.

Mr Johnson told how he was furious that the country had effectivel­y been held hostage by

Remainer MPS and Labour, and admitted that when officials brought the letters asking for an EU extension to be signed, he threw them in the bin – twice.

“It did make me very angry,” he said. “I was so sick they came in to see me at one point and handed me the letter and I filed it vertically, I’m afraid. Then they came back with another copy and I filed that vertically again.”

Mr Johnson also insisted he had no regrets about kicking out 21 Tory MPS who had supported Hilary Benn’s “Surrender Act”.

Ten of them have since been allowed back in for supporting his “fantastic deal”.

The Prime Minister said: “In spite of what the [Remainer] doomsters said, we did get a deal and, if I may say so myself, it was a fantastic deal. It allows us to take back control of money, borders and laws.

“It allows us to come out of the EU with one whole entire United Kingdom – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

“It does everything we wanted. Whole UK free trade deals, whole UK out of the European Court of Justice. It’s a great deal.

“Why would we [renegotiat­e it again]? This is the deal that will work until we have got the free trade deal with the EU.”

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has offered to form a pact with Mr Johnson if he ditches his deal and allows his MPS to target up to 150 seats. But the Prime

Minister said a deal between the two would not work.

“My general view is that there is only one way to get Brexit done and there is only one way to get it done fast and that is to vote for the Conservati­ves,” he said.

“The risk of voting for any other party – any other party – is that you just get Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party or a chaotic rainbow coalition led by Corbyn.

“So that’s what I would say respectful­ly to anybody who talks about a deal [with the Brexit Party]. In my experience, the best thing to do in life is campaign strongly for what you believe in.”

Mr Johnson insisted that he did not want a General Election but

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CONFIDENT: Boris Johnson speaking to the Sunday Express
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