Sunday Express

Queen to give morale-lifting crisis speech

- By David Maddox

THE Queen is set to make a historic address to the nation to lift morale during the Covid-19 crisis.

Downing Street has revealed talks have taken place with the Palace for a royal interventi­on in a bid to bring the country together during this difficult time.

Senior ministers believe an interventi­on from the monarch will stiffen the resolve of the nation.

A Number 10 source said: “There is no one more experience­d than Her Majesty the Queen and she will know exactly the right moment to address the country.

“Sadly, there are some very difficult times ahead.the country is going to be hurting.the voice of the Queen will provide calm reassuranc­e that, ultimately, we will get through this.”

Meanwhile, Prince William is helping the Royal Family’s campaign to lift the mood of the nation amid the coronaviru­s pandemic.

As the Government was ordering the shutdown of pubs, restaurant­s and leisure centres on Friday night,william and Kate were thanking hard-pressed NHS workers at a 111 call centre.

It waswilliam’s third direct interventi­on in the

Covid-19 crisis in as many days.

One aide said: “He has been very quick to grasp what people need to see him do and say, and he does it all with a quiet dignity and a calmness that is very inspiring.

“He is, if anything, even better with people than his grandmothe­r and his father. People are natural with him and they’re encouraged to speak their minds.”

William volunteere­d to take the royals’ lead on the pandemic after aides explained that both the Queen, 94 next month, and 71-year-old Prince Charles are simply too old and at risk.

William said: “The last few weeks, and more recent days, have been understand­ably concerning with the continuing spread of coronaviru­s.

“But it’s at times like this when we realise just how much the NHS represents the very best of our country and society – people from all background­s and walks of life with different experience­s and skills, pulling together for the common good.”

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