Sunday Express

Computer addicts can be taken into care

- By Matthew Davis

CHILDREN spending too long on the computer can be a key factor for social workers taking them into care.

The revelation comes as the nation’s first clinic for youngsters obsessed with computer games opened its doors in October.

NHS chiefs said the opening of the London-based centre is a response to an “emerging problem” and it has seen 22 young gamers referred to it in the first 20 weeks.

A survey of local councils uncovered cases in England where children were taken into care after profession­als became concerned their lives were being blighted by being stuck in front of a computer monitor.

It is believed the youngsters were missing out on real life by being allowed endless hours of online time.

Shropshire Council said it took a six-year-girl into care where there were worries she was overweight, spending too much time on a computer and had poor dental hygiene.

Nottingham­shire Council revealed that it had one case where a child spending too much time on the computer had been a factor in taking care proceeding­s.

Officials at Buckingham­shire Council said it had two similar cases relating to children having too much time on the internet.

Frank Furedi, emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent, said: “There is a danger that social workers are far too zealous when it comes to taking digitalfix­ated children into care.

“Those who are genuinely concerned about children stuck to monitors should attempt to provide more opportunit­ies for them to lead an outdoor life.

Adult fears have led to the loss of outdoor life for many children – most would rather be outside than cooped up in their digital bedrooms.”

The cases were all revealed in a survey of local town halls into the factors that social workers consider when a child is taken into care.

The survey asked councils for details of just the first 20 care cases that took place this year, meaning the true total of these types of cases is expected to be much higher.

Last year it was also revealed that a legal case had begun in Canada, where the designers of the hit Fortnite game are being sued for making it too addictive.

Court documents state the designers built into the game features that mimic the addictive nature of taking class-a drugs, leaving some players so hooked they refuse to eat, shower or socialise.

‘Children have lost outdoor life’

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