Sunday Express

‘I lost three babies but now have twins’


VIKI SHAW is 32 and lives in Burnley with partner Daniel Lord. She gave birth to twins Summer and Isabella last June after losing three babies. She has been supported through her journey by the Twins Trust.

“Daniel and I started trying for a baby six years ago, and I fell pregnant at the end of 2014,” saysviki. “At 40 weeks I went into labour at home, and I was taken to hospital.

The midwives scanned me, and discovered that our baby’s heartbeat had stopped. I had to give birth to our baby Dominic, weighing 9lb 3oz, who was tragically stillborn. It was devastatin­g, the worst possible thing that could have ever have happened to us.we had no idea why it happened. Doctors carried out tests but could find nothing wrong. I fell pregnant again two years later but tragically I lost that second baby when I was 17 weeks pregnant.we couldn’t believe that it had happened again. Again, doctors couldn’t find a reason for it.

“After losing Dominic I had set up a Facebook page in his memory called Dominic Leo’s Appeal, and people I didn’t even know were posting messages of support.

“I fell pregnant for a third time four months later, but again I lost that baby boy, also at 17 weeks.the doctor said to me that I’d not only had my share of bad luck, but someone else’s and someone else’s too. It was devastatin­g.

“I fell pregnant a fourth time at the end of 2018 and a scan at seven weeks revealed I was carrying twins.we had already lost three babies, so we were terrified that I was going to lose these too. Eventually I passed the 17 week mark, and that was an emotional milestone.

“My Facebook followers kept sending me messages of support and praying for the babies to make it this time, and it helped me so much.

“Amazingly the twins arrived healthy and well, Summer weighing 4lb 10oz and Isabella weighing 5lb 5oz. It was the most amazing moment when we finally held them in our arms at last.

They were our two rainbow babies. They have brought immense happiness to our lives and I can’t believe that

I am finally a mum after all this heartbreak.

“It will be my first Mother’s Day, and I can’t wait to celebrate it with my beautiful babies.”

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