Sunday Express

Batman flies! Hero solves riddle of how to tiddle...

- From Mike Parker

ACTOR Robert Pattinson has zipped-up a bonus deal for his role as Batman that will leave him feeling far easier on set.

He has become the first Caped Crusader to have flies sewn into his suit, to enable him to go to the bathroom unaided during breaks.

“Rob reckons that it will make all the difference,” said a production source.

“It can be horrible trying to act after being forced to hold things in for a while.”

Former Twilight sex symbol Pattinson, 33, was dismayed during his first fitting for the Batsuit – made of Kevlar plates on a titanium-dipped fibre base with a flexible suit beneath.

He had been due to wear it intact in The

Batman, the DC Films blockbuste­r set for release next year, but will now don a slightly adapted version.

The source said: “After reading his script, Rob realised that on some days he was going to be spending an awful lot of time in that outfit, having to either hold on or get help to go to the bathroom.

“Some outdoor locations only have those portable restrooms that are so tiny it’s difficult for a normal person to get inside and feel comfortabl­e, let alone someone with a bulky outfit who needs other people to help.” The actor was dismayed none of the stars who have previously played Batman – including George Clooney, Christian Bale, Val Kilmer and Ben Affleck – had flies stitched into their suits.

But after a meeting with producers and costume department chiefs, the British actor – who is reportedly planning to wed long-term girlfriend Suki Waterhouse, 28, later this year – was told the outfit could be adapted to incorporat­e flies.

The source said: “It still means a small section of the outer costume will have to be removed before he can unzip and go – but that’s something he’ll be able to do himself, even in a confined space.

“Rob is proud that he’s the first Batman who’ll be able to relieve himself between takes without help from – in some cases – a small team.

“Everyone’s relieved that he’s relieved...”

 ??  ?? SUITS YOU: The new Batman, as played by Robert Pattinson, left
SUITS YOU: The new Batman, as played by Robert Pattinson, left

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