Sunday Express

Let’s give nature a helping hand

Pledge an area of your garden for butterflie­s and moths and put it on the map, says LOUISE MIDGLEY


THIS year’s Wild About Gardens campaign, run jointly by The Wildlife Trusts and Royal Horticultu­ral Society, is urging gardeners to dedicate a small area of their garden to growing plants that support the yearly life cycle of butterflie­s and moths.

The campaign was initially set up in 2009 to celebrate wildlife gardening and encourage people to turn the UK’S 24 million gardens into a network of nature reserves providing the right environmen­t for wildlife to live, feed and breed.

Butterflie­s and moths are important pollinator­s and along with caterpilla­rs provide essential food for birds and bats.

However, numbers of these ethereal, flying creatures have rapidly declined over the past few decades due to habitat loss, with several once-common species such as the small tortoisesh­ell dropping in number by 80 per cent in some areas.

“We all love watching moths and butterflie­s as they flutter by and brighten up our gardens” says Ellie Brodie, senior policy manager of The Wildlife Trusts.

“We know UK wildlife is in decline and needs our help – that’s why we’re asking gardeners to work together and create a wave of long grass, wildflower­s, colour and perfume – a nature recovery network for these gorgeous creatures.”

Gardeners can help throw these declining insects a lifeline, especially in urban areas, by growing a wide range of seasonal plants and wildflower­s. A patch of stinging nettles, common ivy and low-growing bird’s foot trefoil are top larval foods for some species.

The Wildlife Trusts and RHS have published a free booklet with advice and tips designed to make outdoor spaces more attractive to butterflie­s, moths and caterpilla­rs.visit

The Wild About Gardens campaign is keen to find out about every new wild area being created to support butterflie­s and moths and is asking gardeners to visit wildaboutg­ to record the area they are transformi­ng on their “Pledge a Patch Map”.

 ??  ?? FLOWER POWER: Creating the right environmen­t can help stop the decline of butterflie­s
FLOWER POWER: Creating the right environmen­t can help stop the decline of butterflie­s

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