Sunday Express




No specific time for this. Some like breakfast at 6.30am, others might prefer 9am. It doesn’t matter as long as they’re eating the right food.

Yogurt, eggs – anything but fried – healthy cereals, wholemeal bread. Some like ham instead of egg. The aim is to build up carbohydra­tes and protein for training.

Morning Exercise

Sixty minutes, starting with pre-hab programmes – with exercises that might be for someone with weak hamstrings, ankle problems or other muscle issues. You use balancing cushions or rubber bolster balls for these. Some may have hand-held remote devices to activate a muscle area.

Then there will be running and sprint routines – but it’s not about killing themselves.

Running: Ideally outside on grass, as biomechani­cs of running on grass are different to treadmills. But where outside isn’t an option, treadmills are a reasonable alternativ­e.

There will be certain distances to cover at high intensity. Let’s say 400 metres – but in bursts of 50m. Then relax. Then another 50. This conditions muscles for football.

These will vary daily and can be changed depending on the GPS statistics.


More protein for refuelling. Chicken, rice, pasta, vegetables... but in correct portions.”

Rest-time: During pre-season players often rest before the evening session. Many will do this now.

Afternoon Exercise

Around 45-75 minutes, which is a gym session, concentrat­ing on muscle and body work – specific to football. One day leg weights, next the upper body, then all-body etc.

“It’s not about blasting themselves. Intensity is built up over weeks – very similar to pre-season.


Family time, relaxing. For meals, more white meat and veg.

Sleep: There’s no perfect amount. Eight hours is good.

Daley tip for a nation in isolation: Watch out for boredom. You end up eating too much. And don’t overdo carbs while doing less exercise than usual. That puts pounds ON!

 ??  ?? EASY DOES IT: Harry Kane does a stretching routine while Trent Alexander-arnold (left) works out at home
EASY DOES IT: Harry Kane does a stretching routine while Trent Alexander-arnold (left) works out at home

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