Sunday Express


- By David Maddox By Marco Giannangel­i

DONALDTRUM­P has lashed out at the “angry mobs” aiming to tear down statues and erase America’s history.

In a speech at iconic Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota – where the faces of previous presidents are carved into the rock – Mrtrump said: “There is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance.” He said if you do not follow its commandmen­ts “you will be censored, banished, blackliste­d, persecuted and punished. Not gonna happen to us”.

It comes as a poll for the Sunday Express by the Democracy Institute reveals the fallout from Black Lives Matters protests has boosted the president’s chances of winning the election in November.

It shows Mrtrump, 74, could see off his Democrat rival Joe Biden in crucial “swing states” by 48 per cent to 44 per cent.

Many previous polls have found that Mr Biden, 77, is the favourite to win but they have failed to take into account Mrtrump’s strong “silent support”.

HONG Kong as we know it, the islands which my uncle – a former director of one the original “Hongs” or trading houses – had called home for decades, is gone.

Beijing’s national security law will transform it into a place of oppression, where democracy and law, as we understand them, no longer exist.we can be angry, but we have no right to be surprised.

Every law since Xi Jinping came to power, every act abroad has been to shake off the progressiv­e path taken by his predecesso­rs to become the new Mao Tse-tung.

What does it mean to break the terms of the Sino-british Joint Declaratio­n, an internatio­nal agreement, if you turn your back on rules-based world order?

Britain was right to offer three million Hong Kongers a chance of citizenshi­p. But ridding Xi of pro-democracy troublemak­ers is hardly “retaliatio­n”, as many say.

As Xi bestrides the world a friendless colossus, democracie­s are joining up their thinking. Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenber­g suggests stronger ties with Asian partners and Australia.

But Xi’s failure to deliver six per cent GDP growth, a drop in exports due to Covid-19 and high unemployme­nt have cracked the china. Only economic solidarity and moral courage by our democracie­s can hope to effect the change the world needs.

 ?? Picture: SAUL LOEB/AFP VIA GETTY ?? DEFIANT: Trump at Rushmore. Inset, a protester at his visit clashes with police
Picture: SAUL LOEB/AFP VIA GETTY DEFIANT: Trump at Rushmore. Inset, a protester at his visit clashes with police

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