Sunday Express

Hoarder Nigel must do his wife’s bidding and declutter

- By Vicki Power

NIGEL HAVERS admits his hoarding habits are driving his wife crazy.

His other half, Georgiana Bronfman, has laid down the law over the collection which includes a stuffed crocodile.

She has told Nigel not only must he start declutteri­ng their west London and Wiltshire homes, which are rammed with 19th century memorabili­a, but he is banned from bringing back a single trinket.

The ex-coronation Street star, 68, said: “I’ve been collecting for 35 years, mostly Victorian stuffed fish and taxidermy.

“I have a big crocodile in the hall in London, which terrifies most people but is quite a good deterrent! I also collect 20th century British art, Victorian furniture and antique trophy cups. Basically, my house looks like the interior of a Ralph Lauren shop.”

Nigel’s antiques fetish makes him the perfect choice to host BBC One’sthe Bidding Room, in which collectors compete in a mini-auction to buy items brought in by punters – anything from an antique set of scales to 100-year-old hairdressi­ng kit. But despite their disagreeme­nts over clutter, Nigel is devoted to his third wife, “George”, inset, who was a friend of his second wife, Polly Williams, who died of ovarian cancer in 2004.The pair fell for each other after Polly’s death, married in 2007 and are inseparabl­e. “We just love each other,” enthuses Nigel. “It’s great.we’re two peas in a pod.”

Nigel is thrilled some fans still consider him alluring. “When people write to me calling me a sex symbol, I’m so delighted I write back saying, ‘Thank you and enclose a photo’, whether they wanted one or not,” he chortles.

He presents Channel Five’s Posh Hotels but is unlikely to be returning tothis Morning, which he co-hosted with Lisa Snowdon in August 2018 as a stand-in.

“After the week was done, I met the producer and I said, ‘I enjoyed it so much and I’d love to come back’.there was a silence and he was like, ‘Anyway...’.”

 ?? Picture: MITCHELL COLLINS ?? LOTS OF FUN: Nigel and the team from The Bidding Room. Right, the ex-corrie star with his wife Georgiana Bronfman
Picture: MITCHELL COLLINS LOTS OF FUN: Nigel and the team from The Bidding Room. Right, the ex-corrie star with his wife Georgiana Bronfman
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